Scripture Reflections for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A, Lectionary 106

God is patient, merciful and loving in judging us. It is not about God making a one time determination of whether we are good or bad. It's a process of God walking with us, guiding us, leading us to grow into the wheat we are meant to be. Although there are weeds in our lives, both within us and externally, we have to live past the evil with the help of Jesus to bring about the Kingdom of God. In the midst of evil, if we depend on Jesus and bring Christ into our situations, we are in fact bringing the Kingdom on Earth.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AngerChoiceCommunityConversionEvilFruitfulGraceHarvestHopeJudgmentJusticeJustificationKingdomLeavenLoveMercyMissionMustardParablePatiencePatientPowerPrayerReconciliationRelationshipRepentSeedSinTimeWeedWheatWisdom

Psalm 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16
Romans 8:26-27
Catholic Productions | "We Do Not Know How to Pray as We Ought" | Brant Pitre | December 4, 2020
Matthew 13:24-43

“The kingdom of God is at work already often hidden from sight and from the smallest of beginnings like the mustard seed. It is making a difference in this present age like yeast in the process of baking bread. And there will be judgment but not yet and not by us.”

"Wheat and darnel" | Fr. Geoffrey Plant | July 16, 2023

“When we get, become enraged don't we think we know exactly who's right and who's wrong? What's good and what's bad? When we're angry we become convinced that we have perfect clarity when in reality these strong emotions cloud our vision.”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ | July 19, 2020

“Even when we seem to prosper after planting weeds, after destroying people behind their back, after sowing bad seeds, even when we do it pretending to be good, God knows's not because God does not know, he's only giving us the opportunity to repent before the time of harvest”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | July 17, 2023

“God and his mysterious providence allows the good and evil to stand, to grow, so to speak, side by side but that doesn't mean he's negligent, it doesn't mean he's unaware of the evil...all of it will be sorted out but only at the end, only at the final judgment.”

Catholic Productions | "Parable of the Tares" | Brant Pitre | July 13, 2020

“Well the meaning is really clear if you focus on the twists, right. The point is this: the Kingdom starts out small, right, and it ends great but it doesn't look like what you're going to expect it to look like.”

Catholic Productions | "The Parable of the Mustard Seed" | Brant Pitre | August 14, 2020

“Jesus is leading the disciples into the mysteries of the Kingdom, to the supernatural nature of the Kingdom, to the invisible character of the Kingdom. That it's like yeast that grows and spreads in the dark. You can't see it, you don't understand why and how it does and yet it does.”

Catholic Productions | "Parable of the Leaven" | Brant Pitre | August 28, 2020

“When we get angry we start to see the people as weeds but people are children of God, every single person on the planet, they're all children of God...It's the problems that are the weeds not the people but we can't make that distinction when we get angry”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ | July 23, 2023

“we all need to be careful when we call for the destruction of sinners for if we are thankful to God for being patient with us and being merciful to us then we should not raise questions when the same mercy and the same patience is extended to others”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | July 18, 2020

“If we think that we are so 'goody, goody two shoes' that we can criticize everybody else, watch out, you and I might be deluded by the evil one to thinking that we are wheat and we're really weeds”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC | Monsignor Raymond East | July 23, 2023
Overall Readings

“Are we looking at each other and our world with the eyes of God? With eyes of hope? Are we seeing and tending to the potential and promise in the fields before us or are we fixated on the weeds, the challenges and imperfections sprinkled throughout?”

Catholic Women Preach | Vickey McBride | July 24, 2017

“good and evil do come up together, that's a reality that Jesus is speaking to us of but Jesus lets us know that without a doubt evil will not win. Good is stronger than evil, life is stronger than death and Jesus lets you know that the kingdom of heaven is coming and victory is ours.”

St. Teresa of Avila - DC | Monsignor Raymond East | July 19, 2020

“We do not measure our success on the great things we have accomplished but on how much we loved. How we put that love into action and become sowers of justice, peace and kindness.”

Catholic Women Preach | Erin McDonald, CSJ | July 23, 2023