Scripture Reflections for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B, Lectionary 107

We separate from each other to create division and conflict most often to benefit ourselves at the cost of others. Jesus wishes to separate us from the world in order to be nourished by God. As we seek to spend time alone with God we may encounter a crowd of things preventing us from it but rather than passing judgment, let us be like Jesus and first be moved compassion for every person coming to us.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: AcknowledgeCoachCommunityCompassionDesertDevilDiscipleDivideDivisionExclusionGatherGuideHistoryHomeInclusionJourneyJudgmentKingKingdomLeadMeditateMissionOrdinationPeacePityPowerPrayerPriestReconcileReconciliationRememberRestSentSeparateSheepShepherdTeachTrustUnityWant

Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 23:1-6
Ephesians 2:13-18
Mark 6:30-34

“the best thing that we could have in this life, best thing we could experience is union with God and union happens when we feel at home”

"Make yourself at home" | Angelo Kurbanali | July 18, 2024

“the Apostolic mission of the Twelve doesn't start after the resurrection, it doesn't wait till after the resurrection to begin. Jesus is already training the Apostles to proclaim the Gospel during his lifetime, during his public Ministry”

Catholic Productions | "Sheep Without a Shepherd" | Brant Pitre | April 20, 2023

“So when we hear Mark write that ‘he began to teach them many things,’ he intends for us to hear that Jesus is still doing the work of transforming lives”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | Fr. Juan P. Ruiz | July 17, 2021
Overall Readings

“Ministry, for all of us, is not about what we do; it is about what Jesus does through us”

"Like sheep without a shepherd" | Fr. Geoffrey Plant | July 14, 2024

“Do you bring your family members together or are you an agent of division in your family?...What brings peace in your office, your presence or your absence?”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | July 15, 2024

“As we make our way may we realize that our destination is our journey and may God transform the valley into a deserted place where we may rest a while”

U.S. Catholic magazine | Angelo Kurbanali | July 12, 2024

“what if that's all God really wants from us, that we trust God's gentle side and stay close to it?”

U.S. Catholic magazine | Laura Field | July 12, 2021

“Let us allow ourselves to rest in the green pastures and beside the quiet waters that God offers us in the special moments in our lives”

Catholic Women Preach | Yolanda Chávez | July 21, 2024

“You see, like Jesus and the Apostles, each and every baptized Christian is called to be a spiritual shepherd to the people of the world”

Fr. Tony Ricard | July 18, 2021

“What would the world look like if instead of defining ourselves in contrast to others we let ourselves be moved by pity as Jesus was?”

Catholic Women Preach | Samantha Lin | July 3, 2018

“Jesus still preaches his message of peace and love today to all of us. The question I believe for all of us here is: are we paying attention?”

Catholic Women Preach | Jennifer Berridge | July 18, 2021

“In whatever position of leadership we find ourselves we must pray about it constantly, we must be careful so that we do not become so much engrossed in the work of God that we forget the God of the work”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | July 13, 2021