Scripture Reflections for the Fifth Sunday of Easter

Year B, Lectionary 53

Even though Paul persecuted the early Christian community, because he chose to be connected to the Vine that is Jesus, Paul was able to produce fruits for the Church. And to remain in Christ we must continually love God and neighbor, following God’s commandment. By all this we enter into God’s community, family, and in the divine communion of the Holy Trinity, where we experience true peace.

Hate feeling lost on Sundays at church? Searching for a better explanation of the Bible than what you hear from your pastor's sermon? Check out the following collection of audio, video, and text commentaries from various Christian experts for a better understanding of today's scripture that deal with: BodyChurchCommandmentCommunionCommunityConnectionConversionDeathDetachmentDiscipleEncounterFailureFruitLoveMercyMissionObediencePaulPrayerPresencePruneRelationshipRemainSalvationScienceSelfishnessSeparateServeSt. PaulSurrenderTimeTrustUnionUnityVineWelcomeWineWorks

Psalm 22:26-28, 30-32
1 John 3:18-24

“what John is referring to when he speaks of love is an action, it's a choice that you make, right. We are, we don't just feel love, we do it.”

Catholic Productions | "Love in Deed and Truth" | Brant Pitre | April 28, 2021
John 15:1-8

“Pruning is painful, pruning is necessary though it's not always what we want”

Bellarmine Chapel | Fr. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ | April 28, 2024

“People want to believe without belonging. However, believing the Good News entails belonging to the Church. Belonging is essential for wholeness and holiness.”

"I am the vine; you are the branches" | Fr. Geoffrey Plant | April 21, 2024

“if you listen very carefully to the gospel today…Your primary role is not to bear fruit, your primary role is to cling to the vine”

Holy Name of Jesus Church & Loyola Ministry | "I AM THE VINE" | Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ | May 2, 2021

“Jesus basically gives us the essential principle for any kind of apostolic work or evangelization and that's this: ‘unless you abide in me you can't do anything, you can't bear any fruit, apart from me you can do nothing’ he says”

Catholic Productions | "The Vine and the Branches" | Brant Pitre | April 26, 2021

“Your fruit, your talent is useless when it is not shared”

Fr. Emmanuel Ochigbo | April 28, 2021

“So what he's describing is himself as the true vine of the true temple. It's just one more instance of Jesus identifying himself as the dwelling place of God on Earth and as the one whose very body was going to replace the new temple”

Catholic Productions | "Abide in Me - The Vine and the Branches" | Brant Pitre | May 15, 2019
Overall Readings

“We have been called into this communion so that it would not be about me and what I get out of this world before I go home, but it's about us and how we contribute to the building up of that us”

Saint Katharine Drexel Parish - Boston, MA | Fr. Oscar Pratt | April 28, 2024

“when there is no logic about the pruning process or no logic in what I am being asked to surrender or release control of the trust is that much more difficult”

Catholic Women Preach | Monique Jacobs | May 2, 2021

“There is something bold in the act of pruning, an act of trust that what will grow back will be stronger, more beautiful, yield better fruit than what we can see before us”

Catholic Women Preach | Karen Murphy | April 24, 2018