Sunday Reflections

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No one person solely contains God’s Word but Jesus lives in all his disciples. Grow in understanding the Bible and what God is teaching us weekly through the voices of many Christians.

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 107)

We separate from each other to create division and conflict most often to benefit ourselves at the cost of others. Jesus wishes to separate us from the world in order to be nourished by God. As we seek to spend time alone with God we may encounter a crowd of things preventing us from it but rather than passing judgment, let us be like Jesus and first be moved compassion for every person coming to us.

THEMES: Acknowledge • Coach • Community • Compassion • Desert • Devil • Disciple • Divide • Division • Exclusion • Gather • Guide • History • Home • Inclusion • Journey • Judgment • King • Kingdom • Lead • Meditate • Mission • Ordination • Peace • Pity • Power • Prayer • Priest • Reconcile • Reconciliation • Remember • Rest • Sent • Separate • Sheep • Shepherd • Teach • Trust • Unity • Want •

View 36 Reflections

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 104)

God is sending us on a mission to spread God's Kingdom but in order to take Jesus to others we must let go of worldly concerns and possessions. We are to depend on God and the Church community of those walking with us and those who receive us. With such empowerment we can preach God's truth, asking others to repent from their sins and return to God. This is how the prophet Amos can confront the worldly institutions and authorities because he is seeing through God's plan.

THEMES: Apostle • Baptism • Blessing • Burden • Call • Charism • Choice • Church • Commitment • Community • Creation • Detachment • Disciple • Evangelization • Evangelize • Freedom • Gospel • History • Holy • Hospitality • Journey • Justice • Learn • Love • Messenger • Miracle • Mission • Ordination • Preach • Priest • Priority • Prophet • Reject • Relationship • Religion • Repent • Security • Sent • Sin • Summon • Thanksgiving • Vocation •

View 40 Reflections

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 101)

True strength comes from God. When we allow the Spirit to enter us then we can speak God's Word, prophesying to the world. But we often choose not to weaken our ego and we let our pride, our way of seeing things to reject the divine. If we think we can define Jesus as we see fit and only see him as we understand then we prevent any mighty deeds from happening in our lives.

THEMES: Accept • Acceptance • Addiction • Adoration • Amaze • Call • Change • Close • Control • Courage • Creation • Devil • Divine • Doubt • Evangelize • Failure • Faith • Familiar • Freedom • Friendship • Grace • Humility • Idolatry • Independence • Interpret • Labeling • Love • Mission • Misunderstood • Nazareth • Negativity • Persist • Power • Prayer • Preach • Pride • Priest • Prophet • Receive • Recognize • Reject • Relationship • Sight • Strength • Struggle • Suffering • Understand • Weakness •

View 38 Reflections

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 98)

God is about life and restoring us back to life when we have fallen into suffering, illness and sin. As God is present in our lives, we must take courage to approach Jesus even as the world discourages us and makes us think we have no value or hope. Let us put aside our positions like Jairus or our fears like the woman with the hemorrhage. Let us focus not on time or the wait but on the love Christ personally shows each one of us as he cures us.

THEMES: Abundance • Anointing • Approach • Children • Church • Death • Devil • Efficient • Eucharist • Faith • Family • Fear • Generosity • Healing • Help • Humility • Infect • Interruption • Jairus • Law • Life • Loneliness • Love • Marginalized • Mary • Materialism • Plan • Poverty • Prayer • Presence • Prioritize • Purity • Recognize • Resurrection • Sacrament • Salvation • Seek • Sin • Sleep • Solidarity • Suffering • Time • Touch • Trust • Unclean • Women •

View 42 Reflections

The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 95)

We recognize the storm in our lives but do we recognize God with us? We are certain of the danger and fears of our lives but how certain are we of Jesus, Son of God, who offers us peace? Like Job we may focus on the evil surrounding us and try to make sense of it but all we need to do is focus on God's power, might and love that is present in the world. And when we realize that God is Lord over everything we too can rest with Jesus through the storms.

THEMES: Baptism • Boat • Calm • Chaos • Church • Control • Creation • Disaster • Divinity • Environment • Faith • Fear • Grace • Hope • Identity • Job • Peace • Prayer • Question • Refugees • Rest • Revelation • Sea • Ship • Storm • Suffering • Trust • Wake • Water • Worry •

View 34 Reflections

The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 92)

God's kingdom cannot be stopped but will reign forever. But it is not a dominion like other worldly kingdoms likened to cedar. Jesus compares the kingdom of God like seeds that often grow unbeknownst to us, starting from small graceful moments but that in God's time and guidance spreads across the land. The impact of God's grace eventually becomes apparent when others can benefit from its fruits.

THEMES: Abundance • Care • Change • Community • Death • Dream • Environment • Evangelize • Faith • Father • Formation • Gift • Grow • Growth • Harvest • History • Hope • Humility • Humor • Joy • Judgment • Kingdom • Love • Motive • Mustard Seed • Parable • Patience • Powerlessness • Praise • Prayer • Prophecy • Seed • Seeds • Sight • Sin • Small • Support • Transformation • Tree • Vulnerable •

View 41 Reflections

The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 89)

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and in their sin they succumbed to shame and blame. Yet God still goes in search of us to offer justice and forgiveness. When Jesus comes to our homes we should not confront his mercy with accusations because if we do we further distance ourselves from God. Jesus approaches our tactics of dividing and separating by instead gathering and welcoming everyone into communion with him. Let us resist sin that only leads to division and let us accept Jesus that leads to unity with God.

THEMES: Adam • Blame • Blasphemy • Community • Devil • Divide • Division • Eve • Family • Forgiveness • Holy Spirit • Home • Justice • Love • Mary • Separate • Serpent • Shame • Sin • Stance • Tension • Unity • Violence •

View 17 Reflections

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi

(Year B, Lectionary 168)

In the time of Moses the people were joined together with God through the covenant using the blood of young bulls. Jesus further elevates the covenant with us by offering his own body and blood. God is meant to enter us more deeply to unite us at our core to the divine and truly become one with God.

THEMES: Baptism • Blood • Church • Communion • Connected • Connection • Covenant • Eucharist • Food • Healing • History • Hope • Incarnation • Justice • Life • Mass • Meal • Participation • Priest • Remember • Reverence • Sacrament • Sacred • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sin • Suffering • Temple • Truth • Unity • Violence • Women •

View 38 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

(Year B, Lectionary 165)

The mystery of the Holy Trinity is an invitation to enter into a relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When we enter into communion with God our mission is to spread this bond with the world. When we remain with God, God can remain with us until the end of age.

THEMES: Abba • Baptism • Communion • Doubt • Faith • Father • Focus • Heir • History • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Hope • Identity • Joy • Love • Mission • Moses • Mystery • Novena • Patience • Peace • Presence • Recognize • Relationship • Revelation • Salvation • Sent • Trinity • Understand • Unity •

View 35 Reflections

Pentecost Sunday

(Year B, Lectionary 63)

God continues to breathe life into us now in the Holy Spirit. Where we tend to close ourselves away from God we need to open ourselves to the Spirit, open ourselves to forgiveness, and then let that forgiveness and Spirit flow outwards into the world.

THEMES: • Abide • Adapt • Ascension • Baptism • Breath • Breathe • Change • Church • Communicate • Communication • Community • Confidence • Creation • Division • Faith • Fear • Fire • Flesh • Forgive • Forgiveness • Gather • Gift • Grace • Grateful • Harvest • Hatred • Healing • Heaven • History • Holy Orders • Holy Spirit • Home • Idolatry • Immorality • Impurity • Jealous • Kingdom • Love • Lust • Mary • Meeting • Mission • Moses • Passover • Peace • Pentecost • Power • Prayer • Recognize • Reconciliation • Rivalry • Selfishness • Sin • Sorcery • Spirit • Suffering • Thirst • Tongues • Tower of Babel • Trinity • Understand • Unity • Urgency • Wind • Wisdom • Women •

View 89 Reflections

The Ascension of the Lord

(Year B, Lectionary 58)

We can limit the significance of the Ascension of Jesus into Christ going up into heaven and no longer seeing him. But we are meant to see how we are opened up to a relationship with the Holy Trinity. We are offered to enter into communion with God by Jesus, fully human and fully divine, entering the divine realm. Uniting Heaven and Earth in the process. Like those early disciples we are not meant to stand looking up at the sky but to go on mission through the Holy Spirit of gathering others into this relationship with God.

THEMES: • Ascension • Baptism • Calm • Cloud • Descend • Describe • Disciple • Environment • Expand • Experience • Gather • Glory • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Hope • Incarnation • Joy • Kingdom • Mission • Mother • Presence • Priest • Proclaim • Salvation • Sight • Time • Vocation •

View 37 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

(Year B, Lectionary 56)

Jesus calls us to remain in his love by following his commandments. In doing so we are united to the communion of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We must also realize that others are also invited to be united to the Holy Trinity. We may not grasp or understand how others can fit in God’s community but we must not shut ourselves off from God’s love shown to others. We must flow with God’s love touching others even if we do not initially see it.

THEMES: Baptism • Choice • Commandment • Commissioned • Consecrated • Cornelius • Creation • Disciple • Division • Ecology • Environment • Eucharist • Expand • Forgive • Friendship • Grace • Holy • Holy Spirit • Hope • Incarnation • Inclusion • Joy • Judgment • Love • Mission • Mother • Passion • Peace • Pentecost • Practice • Remain • Sacrifice • Salvation • Solidarity • St. Peter • Struggle • Trinity • Vocation • Wonder • Worship •

View 38 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

(Year B, Lectionary 53)

Even though Paul persecuted the early Christian community, because he chose to be connected to the Vine that is Jesus, Paul was able to produce fruits for the Church. And to remain in Christ we must continually love God and neighbor, following God’s commandment. By all this we enter into God’s community, family, and in the divine communion of the Holy Trinity, where we experience true peace.

THEMES: Body • Church • Commandment • Communion • Community • Connection • Conversion • Death • Detachment • Disciple • Encounter • Failure • Fruit • Love • Mercy • Mission • Obedience • Paul • Prayer • Presence • Prune • Relationship • Remain • Salvation • Science • Selfishness • Separate • Serve • St. Paul • Surrender • Time • Trust • Union • Unity • Vine • Welcome • Wine • Works •

View 35 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

(Year B, Lectionary 50)

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus leads us to the Father. Because Jesus is connected and in relationship to the Father, we are invited to join in this Trinitarian love. We approach God more closely by serving others and caring for others like Christ has done for us.

THEMES: Belong • Care • Church • Communication • Community • Connection • Conversion • Creed • Cross • Disciple • Divinity • Evangelize • Happiness • Hope • Lead • Listen • Metaphor • Mission • Participate • Peace • Presence • Recognize • Relationship • Religion • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sheep • Shepherd • Sight • Stone • Temple • Thankful • Transfiguration • Unity • Vision • Vocation •

View 35 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Easter

(Year B, Lectionary 47)

Like the disciples who gathered after the resurrection, we may gather and speak about the risen Christ but it is not the same as experiencing Jesus offering his peace. God comes to his community, church, followers who may still have fears and doubts in order to bring us joy, amazement and understanding. Jesus is offering us peace but can we let go of our sins and repent?

THEMES: Arrive • Atonement • Beauty • Body • Commandment • Commitment • Communion • Community • Conversion • Death • Disciple • Disenchantment • Doubt • Easter • Environment • Eucharist • Expiation • Faith • Fear • Focus • Food • Foreshadow • Forgive • Forgiveness • Friendship • Fulfillment • Grace • History • Holy Spirit • Hope • Ignorance • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Meal • Metanoia • Mission • Obedience • Passion • Peace • Persistent • Preach • Presence • Proclaim • Prophecy • Relationship • Repent • Resurrection • Revelation • Sacrifice • Sin • Sorrow • Spirit • Struggle • Suffering • Transformation • Witness • Wounds •

View 40 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday of Divine Mercy

(Year B, Lectionary 44)

The resurrected Christ shows up to his followers offering peace. Not hate or judgment but peace. Jesus comes to a community of believers who may have doubts but works within us so that we can move ahead together in building up the Kingdom of God. Only as a community working together can we express and spread the love of a crucified Christ to the world.

THEMES: Almsgiving • Baptism • Believe • Blessing • Blood • Charity • Church • Commandment • Community • Creation • Darkness • Death • Disciple • Door • Doubt • Doubting • Easter • Eucharist • Evil • Faith • Fear • Forgive • Forgiveness • Grace • Greed • Healing • Holy Spirit • Hurt • Inclusion • Journey • Joy • Justice • Light • Love • Mercy • Mission • Need • Peace • Poverty • Praise • Reconciliation • Relationship • Resurrection • River • Sacrament • Sight • Sign • Sin • Thanksgiving • Thomas • Unity • Want • Water • Witness • Wounds •

View 38 Reflections

Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of the Lord

(Year B, Lectionary 42)

In our journey following Jesus, we pass through Calvary and the cross and we may be tempted to lose Jesus in the empty tomb. We can get stuck in not understanding what resurrection really means for us and want to dwell on the death but we are called to continue on the journey where resurrection leads us to.

THEMES: Answer • Ark of the Covenant • Awake • Church • Community • Cornelius • Courage • Creation • Death • Disciple • Easter • Eden • Empty • Eucharist • Faith • Fear • Focus • Follow • Gospel • Grace • Hell • Hide • History • Hope • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Life • Mary of Magdala • Miracle • Mission • Myth • Peace • Praise • Proclaim • Question • Rejoice • Relationship • Resurrection • Rock • Sabbath • Sadness • Salvation • Sight • Silence • Sin • St. Peter • Suffering • Testify • Tomb • Truth • Unity • Victory • Witness • Women •

View 69 Reflections

Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil

(Year B, Lectionary 41)

We await the light amidst the darkness in this Easter Vigil. We hear the history of God among us through scripture and how we enter in the new reality of resurrection. As we approach the darkness of the tomb we are introduced to the light of resurrection and the new life in the risen Christ. We are to praise God and move forward without fear having met Jesus.

THEMES: Abraham • Baptism • Covenant • Creation • Cross • Darkness • Death • Disciple • Easter • Eucharist • Fear • Focus • History • Hope • Isaiah • Journey • Joy • Kingdom • Light • Love • Martin Luther King Jr. • Mask • Moses • Proclaim • Resurrection • Salvation • Serve • Silence • Sin • Stone • Suffering • Tomb • Transformation • Unity • Water •

View 20 Reflections

Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion

(Year B, Lectionary 40)

As Jesus hanged on the cross we are meant to meditate on this event. On how we contribute to his crucifixion with our actions of hate and with our failure to act for justice. On how God willingly came to serve us all the way to the cross, all the while offering love and forgiveness. We all journey to the cross with Jesus but we can either be condemning him, preoccupied with his possessions, or at the side of the cross with him.

THEMES: Accompany • Adam • Care • Community • Conciliation • Contemplate • Control • Covenant • Creation • Cross • Death • Disciple • Economy • Eve • Faith • Fear • Follow • Forgive • Guilt • Healing • Helpless • Holy Spirit • Hope • Journey • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Lamb • Light • Love • Memory • Mercy • Naked • Nonviolence • Passion • Peace • Prayer • Priest • Prophecy • Racism • Reconciliation • Repent • Resurrection • Sacrifice • Salvation • Silence • Simon of Cyrene • Sin • Suffering • Temple • Truth • Water • Wisdom • Witness • Worth •

View 49 Reflections

Holy Thursday

(Year B, Lectionary 39)

As followers of Jesus we imitate his actions in order to align our hearts with God’s. In serving others, through washing their feet for example, we begin to empty ourselves as Jesus did. We can begin to see that love is possible when we put aside our pride and ego.

THEMES: Accept • Adam • Approach • Commandment • Communion • Community • Conversion • Covenant • Death • Disciple • Division • Eden • Eucharist • Eucharistic • Feet Washing • Foot Washing • Gift • Grace • Humility • Inclusion • Journey • Joy • Kingdom • Lamb • Lead • Lent • Love • Memory • Mercy • Mission • Neighbor • Passover • Peter • Power • Presence • Priest • Resist • Sacrifice • Salvation • Serve • Sin • Slave • Symbol • Synod • Table • Teach • Thanksgiving • Unity • Water • Welcome •

View 45 Reflections

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

(Year B, Lectionary 38)

Jesus enters his passion in peace and we, humanity, receive him with acceptance and cries of “Hosanna” which later turn to betrayal and shouts of “crucify him.” Although we may start praising God it can quickly turn to attacking Christ with our evil deeds. Like the woman with the alabaster jar, we must begin our journey by giving up our costly “perfumed oil” to Christ in order to be emptied like Jesus did in becoming human for our sake.

THEMES: Abandon • Awakening • Betray • Blame • Blood • Borrow • Church • Close • Commitment • Community • Cross • Crowd • Death • Disciple • Enter • Faithful • Fear • Follow • Forgive • Freedom • Glory • Good News • History • Holy Week • Hope • Hosanna • Hour • Journey • Justice • King • Kingdom • Lent • Losers • Love • Memory • Mercy • Mission • Mob • Nonviolence • Palm • Palm Sunday • Passion • Passover • Perfume • Pilate • Praise • Prophecy • Rain • Reaction • Royal • St. Mark • Suffering • Synod • Temple • Triumph • Winners • Witness •

View 38 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

(Year B, Lectionary 35)

When our hour comes are we prepared to let go and produce fruit for God? Are we able to read the signs and know when we are called to be obedient in our journey to Calvary? Only by being attentive and making room for God can we receive God's law into our hearts and endure past the wordly suffering into God's glory.

THEMES: Acknowledge • Approach • Blood • Care • Communion • Covenant • Cross • Deadline • Death • Disciple • Environment • Eucharist • Exorcism • Follow • Forgive • Gentiles • Glory • Grain • Greek • Heart • Help • Holy Spirit • Hope • Hour • Identity • Inscription • Law • Lent • Loneliness • Love • Neighbor • Obedience • Offering • Ordination • Passion • Passover • Perfect • Priest • Progress • Prophecy • Recognize • Relationship • Release • Sacrifice • Salvation • Service • Sight • St. Andrew • St. Philip • Struggle • Suffering • Trinity • Wheat •

View 38 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

(Year B, Lectionary 32)

God is about raising, lifting and restoring us from our fallen state. We have moved away from God, not cooperating or heeding God’s message. And despite our transgressions God still elevated us not only to our former selves but higher into the divine space. Jesus makes this return from exile possible only if we stay connected to Christ. We can be lifted up if we gaze and follow Jesus to Calvary and into heaven.

THEMES: Adam • Anger • Believe • Cleanse • Condemn • Condemnation • Creation • Cross • Darkness • Eve • Evil • Faith • Forgive • Glory • Grace • Happiness • Healing • Hesed • History • Idolatry • Incarnation • Israel • Joy • Judgment • Justice • Lent • Light • Listen • Love • Mercy • Moses • Nicodemus • Penance • Pride • Relationship • Repent • Sabbath • Sacrifice • Salvation • Seek • Serpent • Sin • Suffering • Witness •

View 35 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Lent

(Year B, Lectionary 29)

Jesus identified the greatest commandments as love of God and love of neighbor. And that love is greatly expressed in Christ on the cross. This only happens when we clear out our sacred space (temple) that is in each of us to be exclusively for God, and in emptying ourselves for love we can truly give ourselves over to others. Our inability to understand this true definition of love may become a stumbling block or seem like foolishness but it is something every Christian must express.

THEMES: • Anger • Authority • Body • Church • Cleanse • Commandment • Covenant • Covet • Cross • Emotion • Environment • Faith • Freedom • Herod • Holy • Home • Hope • Human • Law • Lent • Love • Moses • Possession • Preach • Purify • Religion • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sanctuary • Sign • Sin • St. Katharine Drexel • Suffering • Temple • Ten Commandments • Value • Violence • Virtue • Zeal • “Cross” •

View 39 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Lent

(Year B, Lectionary 26)

God made the greatest sacrifice up in Mount Calvary. In going up the mountain with Jesus we are meant to let go of whatever we're holding on to that isn't God, things we value such things or people, because they may be holding us down. But when we do reach the top with Jesus we can then experience the glory of God, the revelation of a communion of persons, and hopefully be empowered by it as we continue back down to our life's journey.

THEMES: Abraham • Ascension • Binding • Calvary • Charity • Community • Covenant • Death • Elijah • Eucharist • Evil • Exodus • Faith • Freedom • Gift • Hope • Identity • Isaac • Journey • Law • Lead • Lent • Listen • Love • Mission • Moses • Mountain • Mystical • Obedience • Offering • Paschal Mystery • Passion • Peter • Plan • Prayer • Present • Prophet • Revelation • Sacrifice • St. Teresa of Avila • Steward • Transfiguration • Transformation • Trust • Understand • Violence •

View 40 Reflections

The First Sunday of Lent

(Year B, Lectionary 23)

God's water has cleansing effects which can remove evil from creation like in the flood during the time of Noah. And although God vowed that there won't be another destruction of creatures by the waters of a flood, the 'new' water of baptism now empowers us with the Holy Spirit to cleanse the world of evil. As the Spirit guides us through the desert we are supported by God in our journey as we help spread the kingdom of God.

THEMES: Adam • Alert • Almsgiving • Angel • Animal • Ark • Baptism • Body • Challenge • Cleanse • Cloud • Community • Confine • Conversion • Covenant • Creation • Death • Desert • Devil • Environment • Evangelize • Exodus • Fast • Flood • Freedom • Gospel • Hell • History • Holy Spirit • Hope • Identity • Lent • Love • Noah • Order • Penance • Power • Prayer • Relationship • Repent • Responsibility • Sacrifice • Salvation • Satan • Simplicity • Sin • Solidarity • Soul • Struggle • Suffering • Temptation • Transformation • Violence • Wilderness •

View 42 Reflections

Ash Wednesday

(Year B, Lectionary 219)

Ash Wednesday can become mechanical and routine. We have ashes placed on our foreheads and we begin to think about what we may need to give up but it's so much more than that. The scripture readings are calling us to pray, fast and almsgiving. But there's a hidden meaning behind these besides just not eating or giving away money. There's a call for a transformation of heart, of reverting our attention back to God and that will often require us to stop clinching to things of this world.

THEMES: Almsgiving • Ash • Baptism • Blame • Cain • Change • Community • Crisis • Death • Environment • Fast • Focus • Forgive • Holy • Hope • Humility • Journey • Justice • Lent • Love • Praise • Prayer • Reconciliation • Reflection • Relationship • Remember • Repent • Resurrection • Sin • Transformation •

View 47 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 77)

We must imitate both the man with leprosy and Jesus. The man with his humility and faith in bringing his problem to God and Jesus in hearing the man, touching him, and helping him be included back into the community. We are called to be inclusive, breaking down barriers, by being compassionate to others' struggles and working to have everyone enter into communion with God.

THEMES: Barrier • Boundary • Choice • Community • Demon • Division • Empathy • Evangelize • Exclude • Faith • Food • Glory • Healing • Hope • Inclusion • Isolation • Journey • Joy • Leper • Margins • Mercy • Order • Outcast • Praise • Pride • Purity • Reach • Restoration • Scapegoat • Secret • Seperate • Sin • St. Damien of Moloka’i • Touch • Ugly • Unclean • Unity • Worship •

View 45 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 74)

We humans suffer through various harsh experiences in our lives but in order to be healed from them we need to let Jesus live in us. Like with Simon's ill mother-in-law, we must let God enter our homes, approach us and lift us up. To experience this healing we must constantly be connected to God and prayer is needed for this. Like Jesus, it is our way to be empowered, find peace and direction.

THEMES: Closeness • Complain • Connection • Direction • Discern • Eucharist • Evangelize • Evil • Gather • Healing • Inclusion • Job • Kingdom • Liberation • Limitation • Mission • Obedience • Peter • Power • Prayer • Preach • Relationship • Rest • Restore • Routine • Sabbath • Serve • Solitude • St. Edmund Campion • St. Mark • St. Peter • Suffering • Truth • Universal • Weak •

View 39 Reflections

The Presentation of the Lord

(Year B, Lectionary 524)

Mary and Joseph approached God's temple to present Jesus. They showed how God was living and present amongst them in their household. And even though God's presence was found in an infant child it was still noticeable to God's people who dedicated their lives awaiting to see God. Simeon and Anna kept their sights on God not knowing when and where they would come across God but they were open to waiting and broadening their expectation of where God might appear. Are we as open to seeing God in people we least expect? Do we live with God present in our households?

THEMES: Anna • Covenant • Divinity • Endure • Expectation • Fail • Focus • Gift • Hope • Humanity • Joseph • Justice • Light • Liturgy • Love • Malachi • Mary • Mass • Patience • Prayer • Prepare • Priest • Priority • Prophet • Recognize • Return • Sacrifice • Sight • Simeon • Suffering • Temple • Time • Transformation •

View 21 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 71)

Moses spoke of a future prophet speaking God's word. Jesus, God's Word made flesh, spoke to the people in Capernaum teaching them with 'authority.' The demon cried out as it left the man and people were left speaking to another in amazement. With so many people speaking to us are we actually listening to what God is telling us? God offers us hope and peace but often it can be muffled with our anxieties, addictions and unclean spirits. Let us make sure to not harden our hearts when we hear God speaking to us.

THEMES: Adjust • Amazement • Anger • Anxiety • Authority • Barriers • Call • Care • Celebacy • Celibacy • Communication • Context • Demon • Discern • Distraction • Encounter • Evil • Example • Exorcism • Fear • Focus • Ghost • Help • Holy • Hope • Liberation • Light • Listen • Love • Marriage • Miracle • Moses • Perspective • Power • Priest • Prophet • Relationship • Signs • St. Mark • Unity • Urgency • Vocation • Voice •

View 40 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 68)

Do we respond to God's call? If we decide to follow God's plan are we disturbed by how generous, merciful and forgiving God is towards others? In following Jesus we must learn to live like Christ and center God first in all things. We can't hold on to our own ambitions or judgments over others but must let go and let God navigate our lives.

THEMES: Call • Change • Chosen • Christianity • Comfort • Conscience • Consent • Detachment • Disciple • Eucharist • Exodus • Expectation • Follow • Friendship • Fulfillment • Gather • Gospel • Healing • Hope • Interrupt • Jeremiah • Jonah • Kingdom • Marriage • Mercy • Metanoia • Mission • Move • Prophecy • Reconciliation • Repent • Respond • Seek • St. Mark • Testify • Time • Transformation • Unity • Vocation • Way • World • Zebedee •

View 40 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 65)

God is calling us but are we recognizing the divine when God approaches? We may find ourselves comfortable in our current spiritual situation, sleeping like Samuel by the ark of God or already studying from a great teacher like John the Baptist. But while we would like to contain God in our circumstances Jesus walks by inviting us to journey with him. No longer dependent on what our spiritual instructors teach us but having a personal relationship with God that we each need to have.

THEMES: • Attention • Body • Call • Commandment • Conscience • Discern • Disciple • Evangelize • Follow • Home • Identity • John the Baptist • Lamb • Lead • Listen • Manifest • Name • Overcome • Passover • Personal • Prophet • Purpose • Recognize • Relationship • Reside • Respond • Response • Samuel • Sleep • St. Andrew • St. Peter • Teacher • Unity • Vocation • Voice •

View 42 Reflections

The Baptism of the Lord

(Year B, Lectionary 21)

John the Baptist was baptizing with water but then God came and divinized the water. Because of Jesus we enter into the divine during our baptism. Just as Jesus entered into our humanity at his incarnation, during our baptism we are able to enter into the divine and become sons and daughters of God.

THEMES: • Baptism • Belong • Community • Covenant • David • Freedom • John the Baptist • Justice • Kingdom • Lamb • Light • Love • Mission • Priest • Prophet • Refugee • Sin • Trinity •

View 18 Reflections

The Epiphany of the Lord

(Year B, Lectionary 20)

God is the light of the world and we all are intrigued by it but not all of us are moved to pursue this 'star.' Like King Herod, some of us are informed of God's light and are told it is within our reach and instead of journeying toward Jesus we feel threatened by the Christ. Yet others who recognize the divine will go through long distance to come to know God incarnate. And most often we find Jesus in the people we least expect and away from our familiar, comfortable surroundings.

THEMES: Birth • Call • Change • Christmas • Community • Courage • Cross • Curiosity • Darkness • David • Death • Devil • Disciple • Disruption • Division • Encounter • Environment • Epiphany • Exodus • Faith • Focus • Follow • Gather • Gift • Grace • Growth • Herod • History • Hope • Humility • Incarnation • Inclusion • Interpretation • Jealous • Journey • Kingdom • Light • Love • Magi • Mary • Mission • Power • Proclaim • Prophecy • Refugees • Repent • Revelation • Salvation • Science • Search • Seek • Shepherd • Sight • Signs • Solomon • Star • Truth • Unity • Wisdom •

View 83 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

(Year B, Lectionary 18)

If we acknowledge Jesus as both human and divine then part of what we accept is Jesus' birth to a human mother: Mary. This special bond and relationship is the starting point where we can begin to understand the incarnation. From an earthly and human perspective, Jesus came from Mary. From a divine perspective, Mary came from God, Jesus. God is offering humanity a special bond and relationship that began with Mary and extends to us as adopted children of God.

THEMES: Appreciate • Astonish • Blessing • Challenges • Commandment • Cooperate • David • Disciple • Discipleship • Eve • Faith • Heart • History • Hope • Incarnation • Journey • Love • Mary • Message • Mission • Mother • Name • Parents • Peace • Ponder • Redemption • Relationship • Salvation • Sheperd • Shepherd • Sight • Time • Uproot • Violence • Vocation •

View 38 Reflections

The Holy Family

(Year B, Lectionary 17)

For the first day of Christmas we contemplate on God being born into the world. The divine entering into humanity as one of us. Now we begin to think on how God lives among us in the family. Each member has a role and responsibility for the others and in that serving and love we have God with us. The Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus was only holy because the divine remained with them, even in times of trouble. Holiness does not depend on what we do but on keeping Jesus present in our lives.

THEMES: Abraham • Anna • Attention • Body • Ceremony • Challenge • Children • Commandment • Covenant • Educate • Faith • Family • Father • Growth • Hidden • Holy • Honor • Joseph • Listen • Mother • Obey • Offering • Pain • Parent • Perfection • Prayer • Prepare • Promise • Purity • Redeem • Reflection • Relationship • Requirement • Simeon • Vigilant • Wait •

View 35 Reflections

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass during the Day

(Year B, Lectionary 16)

In the beginning there was God. In the present God remains with us. God in Jesus has become more approachable for us as a result of the incarnation. What joy for us to have such a loving God.

THEMES: • Angel • Baby • Bread • Child • Christmas • Community • Covenant • Creation • Darkness • Divine • Division • Encounter • Faith • Focus • Gift • Grace • History • Hope • Incarnation • John the Baptist • Journey • Joy • Life • Light • Love • Meaning • Mission • Nicodemus • Night • Peace • Power • Prayer • Priority • Reject • Relationship • Revelation • Sight • Silence • St. Nicholas • Temple • Tradition • Unity • Word •

View 38 Reflections

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass at Dawn

(Year B, Lectionary 15)

To experience God's presence is overwhelming that leads us to glorifying and praising God. We begin to realize that all that God promises does become true and God's love is real. We cannot forget such an experience and we must reflect on it in our hearts like Mary.

THEMES: Angel • Birth • Covenant • David • Evangelize • Kingdom • Nativity • Shepherd •

View 13 Reflections

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass during the Night

(Year B, Lectionary 14)

The light of God has truly entered the world with the birth of Jesus. God sends us the message to approach the Son of God to find true joy. To let go of our fears and concerns because the Creator has arrived to reside with us. Although present as an infant in a manger we must pay attention to the signs and message of God and have the sight to see God present with us.

THEMES: • Angel • Baby • Birth • Caesar • Change • Child • Christmas • Darkness • David • Eucharist • Expectation • Fear • Focus • Grateful • Hate • Homeless • Hope • Humility • Incarnation • Joseph • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Kingdom • Light • Love • Mary • Peace • Poverty • Power • Prepare • Prophet • Relationship • Revelation • Risk • Salvation • Shepherd • Sight • Sin • St. Joseph • Trust • Unity • Welcome •

View 41 Reflections

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Vigil Mass

(Year B, Lectionary 13)

Like Joseph we may not understand what is happening in our lives and even reject our role in God's plan but what we fail to realize is that God's work has been going on since the start of creation. God has been working to grant us salvation and be among us. We need to be attentive to God's guidance and mission to cooperate with the divine plan.

THEMES: Adoration • Appreciate • Christmas • Covenant • David • Faith • Family • Gift • Grateful • Holy • Hope • Incarnation • Marriage • Mary • Messiah • Relationship • Sight • St. Joseph • Trust • Unity •

View 10 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

(Year B, Lectionary 11)

God speaks, provides and leads us in life but we must continually be attentive to God's Word. King David was 'settled', 'given rest' and began to listen to his will over God's, thinking he was doing good. In the annunciation Mary listened to the angel Gabriel and received God's message, grace and Son. We can also be attentive to God to realize how favored we are by God and let Jesus live in us.

THEMES: Adam • Angel • Anunciation • Care • Covenant • Daniel • David • Doubt • Eucharist • Gabriel • Grace • Hope • House • Kingdom • Mary • Message • Mystery • Prayer • Question • Receive • Respond • Sight • Silence • Strength • Surrender • Temple • Tent • Wait • Welcome • Works •

View 37 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Advent

(Year B, Lectionary 8)

Are we allowing ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit and rejoicing in God's goodness? No matter our circumstances if we make room in our hearts for God then we can have that joy that the world cannot take away because it is rooted in the divine. We can proclaim God's message and won't concern ourselves with frivolous matters because we know God is within us.

THEMES: • Advent • Anointed • Choice • Darkness • Empty • Exodus • Freedom • Greed • Happiness • Holy Spirit • Hope • Identity • John the Baptist • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Light • Mary • Mission • Point • Prayer • Prepare • Prophet • Question • Recognize • Relationship • Share • Way •

View 36 Reflections

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

(Year B, Lectionary 690)

God is always present to us. God became incarnate in Jesus and he established a community and church to work and live through for all future generations. This includes Mary who points to her son and shows us how to accept God's word and mission. To have faith and trust in God's plan and cooperate with God's divine plan.

THEMES: Faith • Juan Diego • Mary • Mother • Poor • Power • Women •

View 32 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Advent

(Year B, Lectionary 5)

The scripture readings today point us to the desert where we are meant to hear God's message. John the Baptist verbalizes for us to expect God's mercy and forgiveness by repenting and turning away from our sins so that we can embrace a God who is seeking to comfort us. This requires a cooperation between God and us to expect God's love and accept it as well by clearing a path for God to enter into our hearts.

THEMES: • Advent • Baptism • Change • Comfort • Desert • Detachment • End • Environment • Eschatology • Exodus • Forgive • Gospel • History • Holy • Honey • Hope • Isaiah • John the Baptist • Justice • Listen • Locust • Patience • Prepare • Prophecy • Receive • Repent • Restore • Sin • Voice • Wait • Wilderness • Woman •

View 40 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Year B, Lectionary 689)

Mary shows us that if we are filled with God's grace then we have no room for hate, selfishness or sin. If we accept God to live and dwell in us then we can allow the world to experience Christ. Sin is a disconnection from God but to be free of sin is to in communion with God. To not live for our desires but live for God's will.

THEMES: Accompany • Battle • Body • Choice • Conception • Eve • Fiat • Gideon • Grace • Holy Spirit • Immaculate • Listen • Mary • Mercy • Prophet • Sin • Witness •

View 26 Reflections

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

(Year B, Lectionary 161)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Church • Cross • David • Disciple • Evangelize • Faith • History • Humility • Incarnation • Joy • Kingdom • Mass • Mercy • Messiah • Neighbor • Persistence • Poverty • Power • Relationship • Revelation • Serve • Sight • Truth • Welcome •

View 30 Reflections

The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 149)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Atonement • Baptism • Beg • Call • Community • Crowd • Darkness • Disability • Disciple • Eucharist • Exile • Exodus • Faith • Focus • Follow • Gather • Healing • Hope • Inclusion • Light • Listen • Marginalized • Miracle • Persistance • Persistence • Prayer • Priest • Receive • Repent • Restoration • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sight • Sin • Stumble • Vocation • Weakness •

View 26 Reflections

The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 152)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Baptism • Commandment • Community • Cross • Dialogue • Ego • Healing • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Listen • Love • Neighbor • Offering • Prayer • Priest • Question • Reconciliation • Relationship • Ritual • Sacrifice • Unity •

View 19 Reflections

The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 155)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Anger • Atonement • Church • Community • Corruption • Disciple • Division • Elijah • Eucharist • Evil • Exclusion • Faith • Forgive • Generosity • Gift • Grace • Heaven • Hope • Hospitality • Humility • Institution • Love • Marginalized • Mass • Mercy • Mission • Moses • Offering • Poverty • Priest • Respond • Resurrection • Sacrament • Sacrifice • Suffering • Support • Temple • Trust • Wealth • Widow • Women •

View 28 Reflections

The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 158)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Battle • Challenge • Communion • Community • Crisis • Cross • Death • Destruction • Disciple • Dream • End • Environment • Eternity • Eucharist • Evangelize • Faith • Family • Fear • Gift • Grateful • Heaven • Hell • Hope • Judgment • Justice • King • Kingdom • Lead • Love • Mass • Mission • Neighbor • Passion • Priest • Prophecy • Purpose • Refugees • Resurrection • Revelation • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sign • Suffering • Temple • Thanksgiving • Violence • Wait • Welcome •

View 29 Reflections

The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 146)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Abuse • Ambition • Atonement • Authority • Challenge • Child • Church • Commitment • Compassion • Cross • Disability • Disciple • Economy • Ego • Family • Glory • Honor • Justify • Lead • Liberation • Listen • Marriage • Mission • Ordained • Passion • Passover • Power • Priest • Ransom • Redeem • Redemption • Resurrection • Sacrifice • Salvation • Servant • Serve • Shame • Sin • Slave • Status • Suffering • Temple • Temptation • Truth •

View 30 Reflections

The Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 143)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Camel • Charity • Commandment • Community • Cross • Death • Desire • Disciple • Divinity • Follow • Grateful • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Humor • Hunger • Journey • Joy • Life • Love • Poverty • Privilege • Prophet • Relationship • Repent • Rich • Sacrifice • Salvation • Scripture • Sin • Surrender • Sword • Teach • Vocation • Wealth • Wisdom •

View 28 Reflections

The Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 140)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Adultery • Child • Church • Community • Covenant • Creation • Customs • Disciple • Divorce • Dwelling • Equality • Family • Fidelity • Healing • Joy • Judgment • Law • Life • Loneliness • Love • Marriage • Maturity • Mercy • Mission • Nakedness • Partnership • Relationship • Restoration • Sacrament • Sex • Shame • Sin • Union • Unity • Vocation • Vulnerable • Welcome •

View 27 Reflections

The Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 137)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Appreciate • Authority • Baptism • Choice • Cling • Commandment • Conflict • David • Disciple • Division • Enemy • Envy • Eternity • Evangelize • Exclude • Exclusion • Faith • Fear • Generosity • Goal • Grace • Grasp • Habit • Heaven • Hell • Holy Spirit • Hope • Inclusion • Jealous • Journey • Justice • Love • Mercy • Mission • Moses • Non-violence • Penance • Persistence • Poverty • Power • Praise • Prayer • Prophet • Remove • Repent • Sacrament • Sacrifice • Salvation • Saul • Scandal • Sever • Sin • Teach • Tolerance • Unity • Way •

View 26 Reflections

The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 134)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Ambition • Argue • Argument • Challenge • Change • Child • Conflict • Desire • Disciple • Division • Ego • Envy • Eucharist • Fear • Fight • Hope • Humility • Insecurity • Jealous • Journey • Lead • Leper • Messiah • Passion • Path • Peace • Power • Pride • Resurrection • Sacrifice • Salvation • Servant • Serve • Silence • Sin • St. Francis of Assisi • Status • Suffering • Surrender • Teach • Transformation • Trust • Understand • Vulnerable • Weak • Weakness • Wisdom • Works •

View 26 Reflections

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 131)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Blindness • Communion • Cross • Death • Denial • Disciple • Faith • Follow • Happiness • History • Holy Spirit • Hosanna • Identity • Illusion • Love • Messiah • Mission • Music • Prayer • Prophecy • Relationship • Resurrection • Revelation • Salvation • Spirituality • Storm • Suffering • Trust • Works •

View 24 Reflections

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 128)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Baptism • Blindness • Change • Charity • Communion • Compassion • Deaf • Encounter • Ephphatha • Equality • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Healing • Illness • Justice • Listen • Love • Miracle • Mute • Open • Opened • Poverty • Praise • Prayer • Proclaim • Prophecy • Punishment • Repent • Sacrament • Salvation • Silence • Touch • Unity • Vocation • Works •

View 25 Reflections

The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 125)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Commandment • Community • Disciple • Eucharist • Evil • Family • Generosity • Grace • Holy • Hypocrite • Justice • Law • Life • Love • Neighbor • Peace • Pharisees • Purity • Relationship • Religion • Sin • Tradition • Works •

View 25 Reflections

The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 122)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Challenge • Choice • Church • Covenant • Disciple • Equality • Eucharist • Exodus • Faith • Follow • Freedom • Friendship • History • Love • Marriage • Politics • Reject • Relationship • Serve • Sight • Sin • Vocation • Women •

View 23 Reflections

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 116)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Anger • Calm • Communion • Complain • Disciple • Eucharist • Faith • Fast • Feed • Forgive • Grieve • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Journey • Manna • Miracle • Mission • Patience • Sad • Sin • Suffering • Trust • Truth • Virtue • Wine •

View 25 Reflections

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 113)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Abundance • Complain • Desire • Desires • Disciple • Eucharist • Faith • Feed • Food • Freedom • Grateful • Greed • Happiness • Healing • Holy • Hunger • Liberation • Loneliness • Love • Manna • Miracle • Morality • Obedience • Patience • Peace • Perish • Praise • Prayer • Relationship • Repent • Sacrifice • Satisfy • Scarcity • Sight • Sign • Trust •

View 24 Reflections

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year B, Lectionary 110)

Prepare for Sunday's Mass readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Abundance • Blessing • Body • Charity • Community • Disciple • Eucharist • Exodus • Faith • Family • Feed • Gather • Generosity • Glory • Grateful • Gratitude • Hunger • Incarnation • Kingdom • Manna • Marriage • Mass • Miracle • Mission • Neighbor • Offering • Passover • Prophet • Refugees • Sacrifice • Scarcity • Share • Sharing • Spirit • Teach • Trinity • Trust • Unity • Vocation • Worth •

View 25 Reflections

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Year: C, Lectionary: 162)

THEMES: Community • Contradiction • Covenant • Criminal • Cross • David • Death • Divinity • Gather • History • Kingdom • Love • Mission • Paradise • Power • Relationship • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Welcome •

View 32 Reflections

The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 159)

THEMES: Adversity • Church • Community • Death • Destruction • Disciple • End • Endurance • Eternity • Faith • Fear • Focus • Follow • Grateful • Holy Spirit • Hope • Idleness • Justice • Listen • Love • Martyr • Persevere • Prepare • Prophet • Recognize • Respond • Resurrection • Revelation • Sign • Suffering • Temple • Wisdom • Work •

View 32 Reflections

The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 156)

THEMES: Ambition • Body • Celibacy • Community • Death • Disciple • Faith • Foundation • Grateful • Heaven • History • Hope • Journey • Justice • Marriage • Martyr • Mother • Parent • Resurrection • Sadducees • St. Paul • Suffering • Tradition •

View 34 Reflections

The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 153)

THEMES: Abraham • Acknowledge • Conversion • Creation • Evil • Gather • Grace • Healing • Jericho • Journey • Love • Mercy • Pursue • Reconciliation • Redefine • Relationship • Repent • Salvation • Seek • Sight • Sin • Transformation • Wealth • Welcome • Zacchaeus •

View 32 Reflections

The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 150)

THEMES: Battle • Charity • Commandment • Community • Confess • Ego • Faith • Forgive • Humility • Hypocrite • Journey • Judgment • Justice • Justification • Libation • Listen • Love • Mercy • Pharisees • Poverty • Prayer • Pride • Publican • Rationalize • Relationship • Sin • Suffering • Virtue • Welcome •

View 36 Reflections

The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 147)

THEMES: Amalek • Battle • Church • Community • Cross • Encourage • Eternity • Faith • Focus • Hope • Joshua • Judgment • Mission • Moses • Persevere • Persistent • Prayer • Transformation • Urgency • Violence • Widow •

View 32 Reflections

The Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 144)

THEMES: Community • Cross • Elisha • Entitlement • Exclude • Faith • Gentile • Gift • Gospel • Grateful • Healing • Hope • Humility • Inclusion • Journey • Leper • Naaman • Patience • Preach • Pride • Recognize • Resurrection • Salvation • Samaritan • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Thankful • Unity • Weakness • Welcome • Worship •

View 33 Reflections

The Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 141)

THEMES: Care • Community • Disciple • Environment • Faith • Fidelity • Gift • History • Hope • Humility • Justice • Love • Martyr • Ministry • Mission • Ordination • Power • Praise • Prayer • Remind • Serve • Sight • Suffering • Works •

View 31 Reflections

The Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 138)

THEMES: Care • Choice • Community • Complacent • Discipline • Distraction • Exclude • Fear • Focus • Forgive • Heaven • Hell • Hope • Judgment • Justice • Listen • Love • Money • Neighbor • Poverty • Prepare • Priority • Prophet • Resurrection • Sight • Sin • Solidarity • Suffering • Virtue • Wealth •

View 32 Reflections

The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 135)

THEMES: Assessment • Choice • Complacency • Crisis • Environment • Exploit • Fear • Focus • Gift • Heaven • Inclusion • Justice • Law • Love • Money • Neighbor • Parable • Persevere • Persistent • Poverty • Power • Prayer • Priority • Prophet • Prudent • Relationship • Respond • Rest • Sabbath • Salvation • Seek • Serve • Shrewd • Soul • Steward • Trust • Virtue • Wealth • Women •

View 32 Reflections

The Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 132)

THEMES: Anger • Community • Compassion • Control • Courage • Covenant • Divine • Entitlement • Environment • Envy • Find • Forgive • Grace • Heaven • Holy • Idolatry • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Justice • Lost • Love • Mercy • Mission • Moses • Patience • Paul • Peace • Pride • Prodigal • Reconciliation • Relationship • Repent • Restore • Salvation • Seek • Sheep • Sin • Unity • Virtue •

View 40 Reflections

The Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 129)

THEMES: Accounting • Community • Conversion • Cost • Cross • Detachment • Disciple • Ecology • Family • Follow • Grace • Happiness • Hate • Holy Spirit • Justice • Kingdom • Knowledge • Labor • Love • Neighbor • Paul • Peace • Possessions • Priority • Relationship • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Union • Wisdom •

View 32 Reflections

The Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 126)

THEMES: Almsgiving • Ambition • Charity • Church • Community • Covenant • Detachment • Economy • Effect • Ego • Encounter • Environment • Equality • Eucharist • Focus • Gift • Grace • Heaven • History • Honor • Hospitality • Humility • Intent • Invite • Judgment • Kingdom • Love • Mass • Meal • Neighbor • Parable • Pharisees • Pride • Relationship • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sight • St. Benedict of Nursia • St. Ignatius of Loyola • Status • Temple • Vocation • Wedding •

View 36 Reflections

The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 123)

THEMES: Assess • Challenge • Commitment • Community • Discipline • Family • Forgive • Freedom • Gate • Gather • Grace • Heaven • Hell • Holy Spirit • Hope • Inclusion • Journey • Kingdom • Mercy • Participate • Punishment • Reconciliation • Repent • Responsibility • Salvation • Sin • Striving • Suffering • Understand • Unity • Vocation •

View 28 Reflections

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 120)

THEMES: Child • Church • Commitment • Community • Cross • Disciple • Division • Environment • Faith • Family • Fire • Focus • Holy Spirit • Humility • Jeremiah • Judgment • Justice • Love • Martyr • Peace • Persevere • Prayer • Prepare • Prophecy • Prophet • Receive • Religion • Sacrifice • Saint • Salvation • Seperation • Trust • Truth • Unity •

View 22 Reflections

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 117)

THEMES: Abraham • Accept • Almsgiving • Anticipation • Art • Awake • Awareness • Communicate • Community • Confidence • Courage • Death • Division • Exodus • Faith • Fear • Gift • Grace • Grateful • Happiness • Heaven • History • Hope • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Kingdom • Liberation • Light • Love • Mercy • Mission • Peace • Power • Prayer • Prepare • Priority • Promise • Purgatory • Reason • Risk • Sacrifice • Salvation • Servant • Serve • Share • Slave • Steward • Suffering • Trust • Urgency • Vigilant • Wealth • Wedding •

View 36 Reflections

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 114)

THEMES: Anxiety • Balance • Community • Creation • Death • Disciple • Economy • Ego • Eternity • Focus • Fool • Generosity • Greed • Grief • Heaven • Hope • Joy • Language • Life • Love • Neighbor • Paul • Possessions • Poverty • Priority • Qoheleth • Reconciliation • Relationship • Repent • Share • Sin • Suffering • Vanity • Vice • Wealth • Wisdom • Worry • Worship •

View 35 Reflections

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 111)

THEMES: Abraham • Baptism • Circumcision • Communication • Compassion • Exodus • Faith • Forgive • Journey • Justice • Kingdom • Learn • Manna • Mercy • Neighbor • Our Father • Persistence • Persistent • Prayer • Relationship • Temptation • Trust •

View 32 Reflections

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 108)

THEMES: Abraham • Community • Covenant • Cross • Disciple • Distraction • Encounter • Evangelize • Faith • Focus • Friendship • Gift • Hospitality • Identity • Journey • Listen • Love • Martha • Meal • Paul • Peace • Praise • Prayer • Priority • Relationship • Rest • Revelation • Share • Sight • Suffering • Teresa of Avila • Trinity • Welcome • Welcoming • Women • Worry •

View 32 Reflections

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 105)

THEMES: Abuse • Care • Commandment • Compassion • Concern • Creation • Divine • Division • Environment • Eternal Life • Fear • Healing • Heaven • Help • Justice • Love • Mercy • Moral • Music • Neighbor • Presence • Relationship • Salvation • Samaritan • Seek • Sight • Sin • Solidarity •

View 32 Reflections

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 102)

THEMES: Battle • Blessing • Boast • Call • Church • Circumcision • Comfort • Communication • Community • Creation • Cross • Culture • Disciple • Encounter • Evangelize • Evil • Focus • Glory • Greet • Healing • Hope • Journey • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Love • Mission • Moses • Motivation • Paul • Peace • Plan • Prayer • Priest • Providence • Rejoice • Relationship • Repent • Sent • Sight • St. Paul • Suffering • Transformation • Trust •

View 32 Reflections

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 99)

THEMES: Change • Choice • Commandment • Commitment • Cross • Detachment • Discern • Disciple • Ego • Elijah • Elisha • Focus • Follow • Freedom • Jerusalem • Journey • Joy • Love • Luke • Neighbor • Paul • Priority • Revelation • Sacrifice • Struggle • Surrender • Trust • Value •

View 29 Reflections

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Year: C, Lectionary: 169)

THEMES: Abundance • Appreciate • Banquet • Battle • Church • Communion • Community • Covenant • David • Desire • Elisha • Environment • Eucharist • Eucharistic • Exodus • Feed • Food • Freedom • Grateful • Kingdom • Liturgy • Manna • Meal • Melchizedek • Neighbor • Offering • Passover • Poor • Priest • Priesthood • Proclaim • Reconciliation • Remember • Repetition • Sacrifice • Salvation • Scarcity • Serve • Sin • Suffering •

View 30 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year: C, Lectionary: 166)

THEMES: Belief • Chosen • Communion • Community • Creation • Cross • Faith • Grace • Healing • History • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Interpret • Knowledge • Love • Mercy • Ministry • Mystery • Reconciliation • Relationship • Revelation • Salvation • Sin • Trinity • Understand • Unity • Wisdom •

View 31 Reflections

Pentecost Sunday (Year: C, Lectionary: 63)

THEMES: • Adapt • Ascension • Baptism • Breath • Breathe • Change • Church • Communicate • Communication • Community • Confidence • Creation • Faith • Fear • Fire • Forgive • Forgiveness • Gather • Gift • Grace • Grateful • Harvest • Healing • Heaven • History • Holy Spirit • Holy Spirt • Home • Kingdom • Language • Lead • Love • Mary • Meeting • Mission • Moses • Passover • Peace • Pentecost • Power • Prayer • Recognize • Salvation • Suffering • Thirst • Tongues • Tower of Babel • Trinity • Understand • Unity • Urgency • Wind • Wisdom • Women •

View 83 Reflections

The Ascension of the Lord (Year: C, Lectionary: 58)

THEMES: Angel • Ascension • Beginning • Body • Cloud • Connected • Disciple • Divine • End • Exodus • Forgive • Growth • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Hope • Journey • Joy • Kingdom • Love • Mercy • Mission • Peace • Priest • Sacred • Sacrifice • Sight • Sin • Temple • Transfiguration • Witness • Worship •

View 36 Reflections

The Seventh Sunday of Easter (Year: C, Lectionary: 61)

THEMES: Ascension • Blasphemy • Church • Connected • Divine • Focus • Grateful • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Judgment • Kingdom • Martyr • Peace • Recognize • Revelation • Sight • St. Stephen • Thankful • Trinity • Truth • Unity • Vision • Works •

View 15 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year: C, Lectionary: 57)

THEMES: Baptism • Church • Circumcision • Communion • Courage • Creation • Divinity • Eucharist • Farewell • Food • Forgive • Generosity • Gospel • Guide • Heaven • Heresy • History • Holy • Holy Spirit • Home • Interpretation • Jerusalem • Kingdom • Light • Love • Mary • Mission • Paul • Peace • Prayer • Prepare • Renewal • Revelation • Sacrament • Temple • Tradition • Trinity • Unity • Wall •

View 32 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year: C, Lectionary: 54)

THEMES: Believe • Church • Commandment • Community • Covenant • Creation • Darkness • Death • Disciple • Earth • Environment • Eucharist • Evangelize • Follow • Glory • Heaven • History • Judas • Kingdom • Love • Marriage • New • Paul • Relationship • Restoration • Resurrection • Revelation • Sacrifice • Second Comng • Sin • Struggle • Suffering •

View 32 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year: C, Lectionary: 51)

THEMES: Abraham • Authority • Blasphemy • Church • Comfort • Conversion • Divinity • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Focus • Follow • Gather • Gospel • Grace • Hanukkah • Heaven • Hope • Identity • Lamb • Lead • Listen • Love • Martyr • Messiah • Mother • Obedience • Passover • Paul • Persecution • Poverty • Power • Prayer • Relationship • Resurrection • Revelation • Serve • Sheep • Shepherd • Suffering • Sukkot • Temple • Unity • Vocation • Voice • Water •

View 30 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Easter (Year: C, Lectionary: 48)

THEMES: Accept • Change • Church • Collaboration • Community • Darkness • Death • Disciple • Ego • Encounter • Eucharist • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Feed • Fish • Follow • Food • Forgive • Gather • Grace • Guilt • Hope • Hunger • Joy • Lead • Light • Liturgy • Love • Mission • Patience • Peter • Praise • Priority • Recognize • Reconciliation • Repent • Resurrection • Revelation • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Teach • Time • Tomb • Transformation • Trust • Unity • Violence •

View 32 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday of Divine Mercy (Year: C, Lectionary: 45)

THEMES: Apostle • Authority • Change • Church • Death • Doubt • Faith • Fear • Forgive • Grace • Holy • Holy Spirit • Hope • Isolation • Journey • Life • Love • Mercy • Miracle • Mission • Peace • Reconciliation • Relationship • Resurrection • Revelation • Sacrament • Saint • Science • Seek • Shame • Sight • Sin • St. Maria Faustina Kowalska • Suffering • Thomas • Touch • Uncertainty • Unity • Wound • Wounds •

View 31 Reflections

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (Year: C, Lectionary: 37)

THEMES: Community • Covenant • Cross • Death • Follow • Forgive • Herod • History • Holy Week • Hope • Humility • Innocent • Journey • Justice • Kingdom • Last Supper • Lent • Limit • Losers • Passion • Prodigal • Prophecy • Rock • Servant • Sin • Speak • St. Peter • Suffering • Winners •

View 29 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year: C, Lectionary: 36)

THEMES: Adultery • Commandment • Compassion • Condemn • Conversion • Exodus • Focus • Follow • Forgive • Future • Grace • Holy Spirit • Home • Humility • Interpretation • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Justice • Lent • Mercy • Misery • New • Paul • Prodigal • Prophecy • Reconciliation • Reflection • Scapegoat • Sin • Suffering • Transformation •

View 30 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year: C, Lectionary: 33)

THEMES: Commandment • Community • Conversion • Covenant • Creation • Dignity • Ego • Environment • Famine • Forgive • Freedom • Gather • Generosity • Grace • Intention • Joy • Justice • Lent • Light • Love • Mercy • Mother • New • Parent • Patience • Prodigal • Reconciliation • Repent • Sight • Sin • Soul • Understand •

View 33 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Lent (Year: C, Lectionary: 30)

THEMES: Anger • Baptism • Bush • Care • Complacency • Complain • Conversion • Death • Discipline • Eucharist • Fear • Fire • Fruit • Guilt • Happiness • History • Holy • Hope • Justice • Lead • Lent • Mercy • Mission • Moses • Name • Opportunity • Peace • Prayer • Repent • Revelation • Sacrament • Share • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Tree • Understand •

View 28 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Lent (Year: C, Lectionary: 27)

THEMES: Abraham • Community • Disability • Divinity • Doubt • Encounter • Exodus • Expectation • Faith • Heaven • Holy • Holy Spirit • Identity • Journey • Lent • Listen • Longing • Mission • Mountain • Paul • Prayer • Repent • Resurrection • Revelation • Sight • Stubborn • Success • Transfiguration • Transformation • Trust • Unity • Wisdom •

View 36 Reflections

The First Sunday of Lent (Year: C, Lectionary: 24)

THEMES: Adam • Combat • Connected • Desert • Devil • Divinity • Economy • Eden • Exodus • Faith • Focus • Freedom • Human Rights • Identity • Idolatry • Justice • Lent • Power • Prayer • Remember • Repent • Salvation • Sin • Solomon • Temptation • Transformation •

View 32 Reflections

The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 84)

THEMES: Blame • Death • Disciple • Dorothy Day • Focus • Fruit • Guide • Hate • Humility • Hypocrite • Judgment • Lead • Learn • Love • Praise • Pride • Reconciliation • Repent • Resurrection • Share • Sight • Sin • Speech • St. Katharine Drexel • Teach • Transformation • Wisdom •

View 22 Reflections

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 81)

THEMES: Adam • Choice • Commandment • Compassion • Courage • Dignity • Enemy • Faith • Forgive • Freedom • Gift • Hate • Holy Spirit • Judgment • Justice • Love • Martyr • Mercy • Morality • Parent • Prayer • Repent • Restore • Salvation • Sin • Teach • Transformation • Violence • Wisdom •

View 26 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 78)

THEMES: Blessing • Curse • Detachment • Ego • Faith • Family • Focus • Happiness • Healing • Heaven • Hope • Idolatry • Joy • Kingdom • Love • Obedience • Polarity • Poverty • Priority • Relationship • Rely • Remember • Resurrection • Struggle • Suffering • Trust •

View 27 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 75)

THEMES: Abundance • Call • Church • Conversion • Cooperate • Disciple • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Follow • Grace • History • Holy • Humility • Lead • Listen • Mission • Prayer • Respond • Risk • Seek • Sin • Tradition • Trust • Vocation • Welcome •

View 31 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 72)

THEMES: Accept • Baptism • Blessing • Boundary • Challenge • Change • Cooperate • Endure • Faith • Gather • Grace • History • Hope • Jealous • Justice • Light • Limit • Love • Mission • Prophet • Reject • Salvation • Sight • Suffering • Transformation • Unity •

View 32 Reflections

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 69)

THEMES: Authority • Baptism • Belonging • Charity • Community • Diversity • Evangelize • Family • Freedom • Gather • Gift • History • Holy Spirit • Identity • Joy • Justice • Learning • Listen • Luke • Marriage • Mercy • Mission • Pharisees • Poverty • Praise • Preach • Proclaim • Purpose • Repent • Salvation • Sight • Talent • Understand • Unity • Works •

View 31 Reflections

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year: C, Lectionary: 66)

THEMES: Abundance • Accept • Adam • Community • Cross • Doubt • Eve • Faith • Follow • Gift • Glory • Grace • Grateful • Holy Spirit • Hope • Illness • Interpretation • Joy • Love • Marriage • Martin Luther King Jr. • Mary • Miracle • Music • Obedience • Prayer • Priest • Proclaim • Purification • Revelation • Salvation • Sight • Tongues • Transformation • Trust • Unity • Wine • Works •

View 29 Reflections

The Baptism of the Lord (Year: C, Lectionary: 21)

THEMES: Baptism • Change • Child • Cross • Doubt • Exodus • Faith • Family • Follow • Gift • Grace • Guide • Healing • Holy Spirit • Identity • Incarnation • John-the-Baptist • Lead • Love • Magi • Miracle • Mission • Parent • Praise • Prayer • Priest • Prophet • Purgatory • Revelation • Sheep • Sin • Trust • Vocation •

View 26 Reflections

The Feast of the Holy Family (Year: C, Lectionary: 17)

THEMES: Child • Commandment • Elder • Emmaus • Fair • Family • Gift • Hannah • Holy • Jesus • Joseph • Justice • Listen • Love • Mary • Mission • Parent • Parents • Patience • Prayer • Relationship • Sacrifice • Samuel • St. Joseph • Struggle • Trust • Virtue • Vocation • Wisdom •

View 29 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year: C, Lectionary: 12)

THEMES: Advent • Anger • Ark of the Covenant • Bethlehem • Birth • Charity • Christmas • Coming • Community • Covenant • David • Elizabeth • Evangelize • Eve • Faith • Fear • Focus • History • Holy Spirit • Hope • Incarnation • Joy • Kingdom • Mary • Mission • Music • Obedience • Power • Prayer • Priest • Rachel • Racism • Sacrifice • Salvation • Sight • Trust • Unity • Women • Works •

View 34 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Advent (Year: C, Lectionary: 9)

THEMES: Advent • Anxiety • Baptism • Charity • Choice • Coming • Commandment • Communion • Compassion • Conversion • Disciple • Doubt • Eucharist • Evil • Focus • Follow • Gift • Grateful • Guadalupe • History • Holy Spirit • John-the-Baptist • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Mercy • Morality • Mother-Teresa • Poverty • Prayer • Prepare • Prophecy • Repent • Resurrection • Salvation • Struggle • Thanksgiving • Works •

View 33 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Advent (Year: C, Lectionary: 6)

THEMES: Advent • Christmas • Communion • Conversion • Courage • Death • Desert • Disciple • Division • End • Environment • Evengelize • Exile • Exodus • Focus • Gather • History • Hope • Incarnation • Israel • John-the-Baptist • Joy • Light • Mountain • Prepare • Prophecy • Repent • Return • Way • Welcome • Works •

View 30 Reflections

The First Sunday of Advent (Year: C, Lectionary: 3)

THEMES: Advent • Baptism • Care • Charity • Comfort • Coming • Community • Crisis • Cross • End • Eternity • Evangelize • Faith • Focus • Follow • Gift • Holy • Hope • Jeremiah • Judgment • Justice • Mercy • Neighbor • Poverty • Prepare • Promise • Prophet • Racism • Relationship • Resurrection • Revelation • Salvation • Seed • Sight • Spirit • Suffering • Thanksgiving • Trust • Violence • Welcome •

View 31 Reflections

The Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 157)

God gives us a wealth of love and mercy. Are we putting it to good use and sharing it with others? We may decide to hide it and not let it grow unto others but that is not appreciating the gift God offers us. If we fail to see God's generous ways we will have a distorted view of God's gift to us and misunderstand what we need to do with them. Only when we know the Master can we multiply love and mercy like God does.

THEMES: Affirmation • Alert • Care • Change • Community • Duty • Environment • Evangelize • Expand • Faith • Fear • Fidelity • Gift • Grow • Invest • Investment • Jealous • Journey • Joy • Law • Lazy • Marriage • Mary • Mercy • Mystery • Nurture • Prepare • Receive • Risk • Rosary • Saint • Share • Sin • Steward • Talent • Universal • Valor • Virtue • Wait • Wealth • Wisdom • Woman • Women • Work •

View 40 Reflections

The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 154)

Are we seeking wisdom, the wisdom that points us to Jesus? To use our resources to shine our light on Christ? Jesus the bridegroom is approaching us to invite us into the heavenly wedding banquet but we must not waste our oil shining our lamps on worldly matters. If we do we will be foolish bridesmaids who will be absent in seeing Jesus in our lives and never know God. We must stay alert and always be vigilant for when Christ comes into our lives.

THEMES: • Bridegroom • Bridesmaid • Darkness • Death • Focus • Heaven • Hope • Joy • Knowledge • Lamp • Light • Negotiate • Oil • Prayer • Prepare • Rapture • Ready • Reflection • Regret • Relationship • Saint • Temple • Time • Virgin • Wait • Warning • Wedding • Wisdom • Woke •

View 31 Reflections

The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 151)

How much different is our Christian portrayal to others than our actual inner thoughts, feelings and heart? Does our outward actions accurately show what is inside of us? Let us lead others to Christ by our way of living that authentically reflects our inner self that is at work serving Jesus.

THEMES: • Ancestors • Conflict • Correction • Ego • Eucharist • Exult • Family • Father • Honor • Humiliation • Humility • Hypocrisy • Lead • Mission • Peace • Pharisee • Portray • Priest • Relationship • Religion • Repent • Respect • Responsibility •

View 26 Reflections

The Solemnity of All Saints

(Year A, Lectionary 667)

God is a communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we join unto God we become part of that divine communion and we join together with our sisters and brothers in Christ. This includes people who have passed away but lived their lives set apart for God: holy. Saints. Let us strive to be live holy lives serving God and join the heavenly community others are already a part of.

THEMES: • Beatitudes • Communion • Community • Creation • Desire • Focus • Grace • Happiness • Healing • Heaven • History • Holy • Hope • Justice • Kingdom • Listen • Peace • Prayer • Relationship • Saint • Sight •

View 34 Reflections

The Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 139)

Are we producing God's fruit or are we trying to seize God's gifts for ourselves? God's plan is to grace us with divinity for our benefit but we may be trying to control God instead for our own benefit. God warns us to appreciate what God is offering and giving us, to use it for good and God's purpose or we may end up losing them.

THEMES: • Anxiety • Blame • Change • Community • Grace • Harvest • Justice • Mercy • Oversee • Owner • Ownership • Passover • Peace • Prophet • Reconciliation • Reject • Return • Sin • Steward • Stone • Tenant • Thought • Vineyard •

View 36 Reflections

The Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 136)

God our father invites us, his children, to join in the harvest. To enter into God's divine work. But how do we respond to God' grace? Can we grasp the call for repentance and turn back to God authentically? Instead of following our own intentions let us empty our pride and ego and join in the divine work in the vineyard.

THEMES: Action • Adam • Authority • Believe • Care • Change • Choice • Collective • Commitment • Compassion • Consistent • Conversion • Decision • Divine • Division • Eucharist • Fair • Grasp • Grow • Holy • Honesty • Humility • Intent • Judgment • Justice • Light • Love • Mercy • Mistake • Moral • Obedience • Parable • Preach • Pride • Priority • Punish • Relationship • Repent • Respond • Responsibility • Righteousness • Sin • Slave • Son • Suffering • Truth • Union • Unity • Vineyard • Work •

View 43 Reflections

The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 133)

God focuses on the well being of each of us. Because we bring our own limited perspectives we often cannot understand God's mercy, love and care for others. Where we compare others to our standards, God graces us all the same with dignity and attention. It is not for us to convince God to see things our way but instead start seeing and treating others as God does.

THEMES: Assumption • Commitment • Compassion • Complain • Covenant • Distraction • Entitlement • Envy • Evangelize • Expectation • Fair • Generosity • Gift • Grace • Grateful • Heaven • Hope • Idolatry • Immortality • Invitation • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Labor • Landowner • Life • Love • Mercy • Mission • Parable • Pelagianism • Perspective • Prophecy • Relationship • Soul • Suffering • Understand • Work •

View 44 Reflections

The Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 130)

When we close our perspectives to only ourselves we begin to hold others accountable to how they treat us. We seek vengeance and our form of justice and ignore our own sins and offenses. Only in broadening our sight to see God's mercy and forgiveness of our faults can we begin to offer the same to others. For we begin to understand that all of us sin yet are offered mercy by our Father in Heaven. Instead of hugging tight anger, wrath and hate let us instead hold tight to God who forgives us with loving mercy.

THEMES: Anger • Bond • Conflict • Courage • Covenant • Death • Debt • Ecology • Fear • Forgive • Freedom • Grace • Healing • Identity • Judgment • Justice • Love • Mercy • Neighbor • Obedience • Purpose • Reconciliation • Relationship • Remember • Sin • Unity •

View 33 Reflections

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

(Year A, Lectionary 638)

Before Jesus was lifted up on the cross, like Moses lifted up the serpent, Christ first humbled himself and came down to humanity. Jesus emptied himself in order to rise in the cross all coming from God's love for us. As we pick up our crosses and move to be lifted up let us do so with love for God and others being the driving factor.

THEMES: Constantine • Cross • Divinity • History • Light • St. Paul • Victory •

View 11 Reflections

The Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 127)

The Triune God lives in community: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are meant to join that communion with God and each other but when we sin and break that bond we need to work to restore that relationship. Jesus teaches us to approach each other in love and community to gather our sisters and brothers who are moving away from us so as to ensure salvation remains for all.

THEMES: Accountability • Anger • Approach • Authority • Church • Commandment • Community • Compassion • Conflict • Confrontation • Correction • Dialogue • Dispute • Division • Ecology • Ezekiel • Faith • Forgive • Judgment • Justice • Knot • Love • Mercy • Neighbor • Offend • Order • Prayer • Reconciliation • Relationship • Repent • Resolve • Sin • Struggle • Unity • Watchmen • Worship •

View 42 Reflections

The Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 124)

God's ways involves us struggling with carrying out God's mission. We may think we know what discipleship means but only upon following Jesus do we begin to experience the fear and pain of taking up our cross. But Jesus' message is one of accompanying us in our journey and offering us salvation, overcoming our cross with eternal life.

THEMES: • Body • Choice • Cross • Devil • Dignity • Disciple • Dupe • Ecology • Ego • Follow • Frustration • Grace • Holy • Hunger • Jeremiah • Journey • Justice • Love • Metanoia • Offering • Peter • Phoebe • Politics • Pope • Prophet • Relationship • Resist • Rock • Sacrifice • Satan • Sin • Soul • St. Gregory the Great • St. Teresa of Avila • Struggle • Suffering • Thirst • Trust • Understand • Worship •

View 41 Reflections

The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 121)

God's judgment and decisions are inscrutable. God allows us to be stewards and have positions of power but we must continuously be grateful and understand where those privileges and gifts come from. As long as we recognize God, God's glory, and God's grace bestowed upon us we can be faithful servants administering God's work in this world. Yet, in moving away from God we will fall and fail in our ministries by abusing our positions and no longer serving God but ourselves.

THEMES: Authority • Caesarea Philippi • Call • Choice • Church • Divine • Evangelize • Experience • Faith • Freedom • Grace • Hell • Hesed • History • Humility • Identity • Inscrutable • Key • Keys • Messiah • Ministry • Mystery • Peter • Pope • Power • Relationship • Repent • Resurrection • Revelation • Rock • Shebna • Sin • St. Augustine • St. Monica • St. Teresa of Calcutta • Steward • Transformation • Trust • Understand • Worry • Worship •

View 38 Reflections

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 118)

Jesus is addressing us as he speaks to the Canaanite woman of great faith. He remains silent as the woman pleads for pity and healing for her tormented daughter in order to hear how we will respond to the cry of someone we label as an outsider. Often we lose patience with such people and even beg God to remove them away from us. But Christ is showing us that those 'others' deserve healing and love as well. How we can learn a great deal about faith from others and to extend the same compassion and mercy as Jesus did.

THEMES: Border • Boundary • Canaanite • Chosen • Conversion • Cooperate • Cross • Dialogue • Disciple • Division • Dog • Evangelize • Exclusion • Faith • Gather • Gentile • Grace • Healing • Inclusion • Initiate • Listen • Mercy • Ministry • Mission • Outsider • Paul • Persevere • Persistence • Perspective • Prayer • Prejudice • Reconciliation • Salvation • Silence • Understand • Unity • Welcome • Wind • Wisdom • Women •

View 38 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Year A, Lectionary 622)

Elizabeth with John the Baptist in her womb were able to recognize the Word of God that Mary carried inside of her. As the true Ark of the Covenant, are we able to leap and cry out with joy at the sight of Mary in God's temple in heaven? Not only for the victory of Jesus and the Assumption of Mary but also for the hope that we too can participate in the salvation from God.

THEMES: Adam • Ark of the Covenant • Assumption • Battle • Blessing • Communion • Community • Death • Disciple • Equality • Eve • Faith • Fear • Follow • Grace • Heaven • History • Holy • Hope • Journey • Justice • Kingdom • Life • Listen • Love • Marriage • Mary • Mercy • Mission • Mother • Order • Prayer • Queen • Resurrection • Salvation • Seed • Serpent • Sin • Suffering • Temple • Vessel • Warrior • Water • Women •

View 42 Reflections

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 115)

God accompanies us throughout our journey. Jesus seperates his disciples from 'the crowd' and sends us on mission. But even from afar God is with us as Jesus prays for us as we sail past the rough seas. And even though during the dark 'fourth watch of the night' we may experience fear and distance from God, as long as we cry out to God, God will come to us. Even if we may not recognize Jesus at first we will come to realize that he is truly God and ready to save us.

THEMES: Aboriginal • Accompany • Adapt • Awe • Boat • Calm • Charity • Church • Community • Covenant • Darkness • Divine • Elijah • Encounter • Faith • Fear • Focus • Follow • Hope • Kingdom • Listen • Miracle • Mystery • Peace • Peter • Prayer • Providence • Refugees • Relationship • Revelation • Rite • Silence • Stable • Storm • Trust • Water •

View 41 Reflections

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

(Year A, Lectionary 614)

In the transfiguration Jesus shows how humanity can be divine. If we follow Christ upwards then we will come in contact with God and we ourselves will shine forth our godly selves. Jesus shows us that this is possible amidst our daily lives. While we may be paralyzed by fear Jesus lifts us up and leads us forward in our journey down the mountain. Let us not forget to continue to listen to Christ as he instructs us what we need to do.

THEMES: Accompany • Body • Cross • Disciple • Divine • Doubt • Holy • Hope • Kingdom • Light • Listen • Peter • Remember • Revelation • Transfiguration •

View 16 Reflections

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 109)

To receive divine wisdom we have to acknowledge our limitations and be open to receive God. No matter our knowledge or possessions it cannot compare to God. When confronted with a kingdom to govern Solomon let go of his ego and ask for God's guidance: wisdom. In Jesus' parables, when confronted with a buried treasure or pearl of great price the people who find it let go of all they have. Only after letting go of worldly obsessions can we truly be rich in the treasures of heaven, God's Kingdom.

THEMES: Choice • Community • Discernment • Disciple • Environment • Good • Heaven • Hope • Hospitality • Journey • Joy • Judgment • Kingdom • Parable • Paul • Pearl • Poverty • Predestination • Prejudice • Rich • Sacrifice • Scribe • Seek • Sight • Solomon • Struggle • Surrender • Time • Transformation • Treasure • Trust • Understand • Wisdom • Worth •

View 36 Reflections

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 106)

God is patient, merciful and loving in judging us. It is not about God making a one time determination of whether we are good or bad. It's a process of God walking with us, guiding us, leading us to grow into the wheat we are meant to be. Although there are weeds in our lives, both within us and externally, we have to live past the evil with the help of Jesus to bring about the Kingdom of God. In the midst of evil, if we depend on Jesus and bring Christ into our situations, we are in fact bringing the Kingdom on Earth.

THEMES: • Anger • Choice • Community • Conversion • Evil • Fruitful • Grace • Harvest • Hope • Judgment • Justice • Justification • Kingdom • Leaven • Love • Mercy • Mission • Mustard • Parable • Patience • Patient • Power • Prayer • Reconciliation • Relationship • Repent • Seed • Sin • Time • Weed • Wheat • Wisdom •

View 39 Reflections

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 103)

God is generous and outpouring with his love for all of us. God's purpose is to reach everyone even if they don't allow God inside. We have to realize that all gifts come from God and if we allow God's love to live in us and pass through from us then God's love can reach everywhere. In this way, God's Kingdom will be felt on Earth.

THEMES: Care • Change • Church • Creation • Disciple • Environment • Evangelize • Focus • Generosity • Grace • Ground • Harvest • Hope • Humility • Justice • Kingdom • Listen • Love • Meditation • Parable • Patience • Proclaim • Purpose • Receive • Relationship • Revelation • Seed • Soil • Sow • Suffering • Understand • Wait • Word •

View 40 Reflections

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 100)

Although we experience division, suffering, and conflict, God brings and offers us peace. We must choose to bind ourselves to Jesus' yoke instead of earthly addictions that lead to sorrow. His yoke is actually easy because Jesus walks with us and it's tied down to the source of life. It's hard to learn and comprehend this through earthly logic but it makes sense when we approach it from a child-like dependency on God our Father.

THEMES: Approach • Child • Chosen • Commandment • Community • Control • Divine • Faith • Flesh • Gather • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Hospitality • Humility • Invitation • Joy • Kingdom • Know • Knowledge • Learn • Love • Mercy • Obedience • Peace • Praise • Prayer • Prophet • Receive • Relationship • Remember • Repent • Rest • Resurrection • Revelation • Salvation • Sin • Spirit • Struggle • Suffering • Understand • Wisdom • Work • Yoke •

View 42 Reflections

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 97)

Are we welcoming God and people who carry God's Word? Can we see the divinity in people and offer our help as they continue on their journey and mission from God? It's not about being charitable to others with our money and resources but rather being hospitable to others because we see that they are God's children and bear God's image. In prioritizing God we can truly love and care for others.

THEMES: Accepting • Baptism • Blessing • Clergy • Cross • Death • Disciple • Ego • Elisha • Eucharist • Faith • Family • Fear • Generosity • Good • Help • History • Holy • Hospitality • Jonah • Journey • Justice • Kingdom • Laity • Love • Mission • Priority • Prophet • Receive • Relationship • Reward • Serve • Share • Sight • Sin • St. Therese of Lisieux • Suffering • Union • Welcome • Worship •

View 35 Reflections

The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 94)

We are called to focus on our relationship with God and understand how greater it is than any fear we may have. Whatever may hold us back from accomplishing God's will is nonetheless insignificant compared to God. Instead of being consumed by darkness let us be consumed by the caring light of Christ. Our fears are limited and limiting while God is eternal.

THEMES: Adam • Anxiety • Care • Challenge • Conceal • Courage • Darkness • Death • Disciple • Fear • Forgive • Grace • Jeremiah • Judgment • Justice • Light • Mission • Oscar Romero • Prophet • Relationship • Revelation • Sin • Soul • Sparrow • Suffering • Thomas Moore • Trust • Truth •

View 35 Reflections

The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 91)

God cares for us. God loves us. In God's deep compassion for us God seeks to reconcile us back to God. As Apostles of Christ we are meant to enter into that compassion for the rest of humanity. Jesus could have individually cured all the sick but God chose to do so as a community, as a Church, with the aim of being a light unto the nations. We are given authority but for God's purpose and not our own.

THEMES: Apostle • Chosen • Church • Community • Compassion • Disciple • Fail • Formation • Freedom • Identity • Inclusion • Journey • Lead • Mission • Power • Priest • Relationship • Remember • Sight • Trust • Unity • Vocation •

View 16 Reflections

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi

(Year A, Lectionary 167)

For the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, we are called to focus on what it means that God gave God self to humanity. It calls back to God providing manna on the Exodus journey to the promised land, it calls to the incarnation of God in Jesus, to the Last Supper and to the Eucharist celebration since then. God's infinite sacrificing love for us is always available to us on our life journey back to God.

THEMES: Appreciate • Body • Communion • Community • Eucharist • Exodus • Family • Food • Holy Trinity • Journey • Justice • Love • Manna • Mass • Mystery • Participate • Presence • Remember • Sign • Unity •

View 34 Reflections

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

(Year A, Lectionary 164)

The mystery of the Holy Trinity is an invitation to enter into a relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as the Lord came down to Moses in a cloud and Jesus came down to us at the Incarnation and then the Holy Spirit came down upon the Church, so now God continues to meet us. Now we have been revealed the Triune God and we are meant to believe, worship and enter into divine communion.

THEMES: Advocate • Believe • Community • Dance • Divine • Faith • Father • Holy Spiirt • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Joy • Judgment • Love • Mercy • Mission • Moses • Mystery • Peace • Redemption • Rejoice • Relationship • Salvation • St. Thomas Aquinas • Suffering • Understand •

View 34 Reflections

Pentecost Sunday

(Year A, Lectionary 63)

God continues to breathe life into us now in the Holy Spirit. Where we tend to close ourselves away from God we need to open ourselves to the Spirit, open ourselves to forgiveness, and then let that forgiveness and Spirit flow outwards into the world.

THEMES: • Adapt • Ascension • Baptism • Breath • Breathe • Change • Church • Communicate • Communication • Community • Confidence • Creation • Faith • Fear • Fire • Forgive • Forgiveness • Gather • Gift • Grace • Grateful • Harvest • Healing • Heaven • History • Holy Spirit • Home • Kingdom • Love • Mary • Meeting • Mission • Moses • Passover • Peace • Pentecost • Power • Prayer • Recognize • Suffering • Thirst • Tongues • Tower of Babel • Trinity • Understand • Unity • Urgency • Wind • Wisdom • Women •

View 79 Reflections

The Seventh Sunday of Easter

(Year A, Lectionary 59)

Jesus always remained in relationship with God the Father. Prayer is a way to express that relationship and in praying Jesus is bringing us into communion with the Holy Trinity. Like the early church who awaited the Holy Spirit we too are to remain united in prayer awaiting God to guide us.

THEMES: Church • Disciple • Farewell • Gift • Glory • Holy Spirit • Life • Mary • Mission • Passion • Prayer • Priest • Relationship • Sky • Suffering • Wait •

View 13 Reflections

The Ascension of the Lord

(Year A, Lectionary 58)

We can limit the significance of the Ascension of Jesus into Christ going up into heaven and no longer seeing him. But we are meant to see how we are opened up to a relationship with the Holy Trinity. We are offered to enter into communion with God by Jesus, fully human and fully divine, entering the divine realm. Uniting Heaven and Earth in the process. Like those early disciples we are not meant to stand looking up at the sky but to go on mission through the Holy Spirit of gathering others into this relationship with God.

THEMES: Art • Ascension • Baptism • Church • Disciple • Divine • Doubt • Forgive • Growth • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Hope • Incarnation • Kingdom • Mission • Presence • Priest • Resurrection • Revelation • Salvation • Theophilus • Transition • Unity • Witness • Worship •

View 30 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

(Year A, Lectionary 55)

God continues to accompany us in our journey back to God with the Advocate, Counselor, Intercessor, Paraclete, etc. The Holy Spirit enables us to enter into communion with God the Father and God the Son. Like when Philip went down to Samaria and helped gather the people into God's church. Today we are to continue attracting others to Jesus by inviting them with our hope-filled lives.

THEMES: Accompany • Baptism • Commandment • Communion • Confirmation • Death • Devil • Environment • Evangelize • Faith • Grace • History • Holy Spirit • Hope • Joy • Love • Mission • Mother • Orphan • Relationship • Resurrection • Sacrament • Scripture • Sight • Suffering • Unity •

View 32 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

(Year A, Lectionary 52)

We are called into communion with the Holy Trinity. Jesus emphasizes that he and God the Father are united and Christ invites us to join into this divine relationship. He offers us this heavenly life if we follow him to the Father because Jesus is the way, the life and the truth. In that communion we are meant to also cooperate with each other as the early Church did, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them to overcome challenges so that the faith community can continue to grow.

THEMES: Accompany • Apostles • Care • Change • Chosen • Church • Communion • Community • Deacon • Disciple • Divinity • Encourage • Eucharist • Faith • Focus • Heaven • Holy Spirit • Holy Trinity • Journey • Lead • Life • Love • Marriage • Ministry • Moses • Mother • Peace • Perspective • Prayer • Priest • Reject • Relationship • Respond • Revelation • Sacrament • Salvation • Second Comng • Sight • Stone • Struggle • Temple • Trust • Truth • Unity • Way • Welcome • Witness • Women • Worry •

View 37 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

(Year A, Lectionary 49)

How attentive are we to Jesus? God is calling us back, to return, to repent. But that requires us to listen and be able to recognize God's voice. When we let Jesus lead us we may still face challenges and struggle but the focus should be on us having life in and with God. That is what makes life more abundant.

THEMES: Baptism • Bible • Community • Covenant • Encounter • Evangelize • Follow • Gate • History • Lead • Listen • Love • Parable • Peter • Preach • Proclaim • Recognize • Redemption • Relationship • Repent • Sacrifice • Share • Sheep • Shepherd • Sight • Silence • Suffering • Unity • Voice •

View 35 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Easter

(Year A, Lectionary 46)

The 'Road to Emmaus' is often the path we are on. We are walking away from the faith in the Resurrected Christ. We have heard about Jesus being raised from the dead but we walk away from this truth. Although we are called disciples, students, followers of Jesus we choose to distance ourselves from God's plan. And yet, Jesus still pursues us and walks with us in our doubt and questioning. All we need to do is be open to receive Christ and listen to him so that we may recognize Jesus and return to God.

THEMES: Accept • Accompany • Adam • Believe • Church • Cleopas • Communion • Community • Disciple • Disguised • Eden • Emmaus • Encounter • Eucharist • Eve • Faith • Healing • History • Holy Spirit • Justice • Mass • Old Testament • Peace • Peter • Prophecy • Receive • Recognize • Relationship • Remember • Resurrection • Salvation • Scripture • Sight • St. Phoebe • Storm • Suffering • Understand • Walk • Witness • Women •

View 34 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Easter, Sunday of Divine Mercy

(Year A, Lectionary 43)

While many focus on "doubting Thomas," the other aspects we need to ponder on is the importance of the church community, the peace Jesus offers us and the presence of Jesus' wounds with his resurrected body. We require faith that Jesus is resurrected, faith in God's peace even amidst our "wounds," and faith in all of us united as a church in Christ's body.

THEMES: Baptism • Believe • Breathe • Charity • Church • Communion • Community • Creation • Disciple • Doubt • Eucharist • Evangelize • Faith • Fear • Forgive • Grateful • Healing • Holy Spirit • Hope • Joy • Justice • Love • Mass • Mercy • Mission • Peace • Reconciliation • Relationship • Resurrection • Scar • Share • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Temple • Thankful • Thomas • Trust • Worship • Wounds •

View 35 Reflections

Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil

(Year A, Lectionary 41)

We await the light amidst the darkness in this Easter Vigil. We hear the history of God among us through scripture and how we enter in the new reality of resurrection. As we approach the darkness of the tomb we are introduced to the light of resurrection and the new life in the risen Christ. We are to praise God and move forward without fear having met Jesus.

THEMES: Abraham • Angel • Baptism • Choice • Covenant • Creation • Cross • Darkness • Death • Eucharist • Evangelize • Fear • Focus • History • Isaiah • Journey • Kingdom • Light • Love • Martin Luther King Jr. • Mary of Magdala • Mask • Mission • Moses • Proclaim • Resurrection • Salvation • Sin • Stone • Suffering • Teach • Tomb • Women •

View 21 Reflections

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

(Year A, Lectionary 38)

We are always journeying with Jesus but we can either be like the crowds praising Christ as he enters Jerusalem or like the crowds chanting to crucify God. We are moving with Jesus to Calvary but we can either be bystanders from afar or carrying Jesus' cross with him like Simon the Cyrenian. We are meant to insert ourselves and be active participants in the Passion story for Palm Sunday.

THEMES: Barabbas • Bethphage • Blame • Borrow • Care • Choice • Community • Cross • Disciple • Disturb • Donkey • Exodus • Exultation • Forsaken • Gethsemane • Grace • Happiness • Holy • Humility • Joseph • Joseph (OT) • Journey • Judas • Kingdom • Liberation • Losers • Matthew • Palm • Passion • Passover • Praise • Prayer • Prophecy • Recognize • Relationship • Resurrection • Sin • Suffering • Todah • Trial • Trinity • Wait • Winners •

View 32 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

(Year A, Lectionary 34)

How much are our lives consumed with death? Martha and Mary faced their brother Lazarus' death but they held on to God, Jesus, to live beyond their predicament. In doing so, Jesus the source of life gave them reason to continue living. Are we holding on to the source of life?

THEMES: Accompany • Baptism • Choice • Compassion • Creation • Cross • Death • Encounter • Environment • Faith • Flesh • Friendship • Holy Spirit • Hope • Illness • Lazarus • Lent • Life • Martha • Miracle • Patience • Prayer • Reconciliation • Relationship • Resurrection • Silence • Suffering • Thomas • Weep • Wept •

View 41 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

(Year A, Lectionary 31)

The readings for this Sunday aren't primarily about blindness. They are about SEEING as God sees. Yes, to not remain in darkness but more about having Jesus as our light source in order to see the world anew as God sees. Only then can we be transformed in our daily lives as we interact with one another.

THEMES: Change • Closeness • Conversion • Creation • David • Dignity • Faith • Fear • Freedom • Grace • Healing • Humility • Joy • Judgment • Justice • Lent • Life • Light • Martyr • Miracle • Parents • Realize • Retribution • Shepherd • Sight • Sin • St. Joseph • St. Patrick • Suffering • Unity •

View 35 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Lent

(Year A, Lectionary 28)

God is so mighty that God can make water flow from what we hold no value: a rock or an outsider like the Samaritan woman at the well. This water which God offers is Spirit and once we become a conduit it can flow from us and reach others so that they too can come and have life in God.

THEMES: • Addiction • Baptism • Boundary • Community • Conversation • Conversion • Discipleship • Encounter • Eucharist • Evangelize • Faith • Grace • History • Holy Spirit • Hope • Journey • Judgment • Lent • Love • Marriage • Mission • Presence • Reflection • Relationship • Resolve • Rules • Salvation • Samaritan • Seek • Shame • Sight • Sin • Suffering • Thirst • Water • Wedding • Well • Witness • Women •

View 42 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Lent

(Year A, Lectionary 25)

Jesus gave a glimpse of his glory and divinity to his followers at the Transfiguration. But first Jesus led them up for private time (prayer) with God and then led them back down to earth to continue their journey and work. Are we, however, letting ourselves be led like Abraham by God to a promised land we do not know but can only hope for? Can we make time for God to illuminate the path we must take?

THEMES: Abraham • Blessing • Call • Community • Discipleship • Elijah • Exodus • Faith • Fear • Focus • Grace • Holy • Hope • Interruption • Journey • Lent • Light • Listen • Love • Mission • Moses • Mountain • Neighbor • Peter • Prayer • Revelation • Salvation • Suffering • Theophany • Transfiguration • Transformation • Vocation • Works •

View 35 Reflections

The First Sunday of Lent

(Year A, Lectionary 22)

How are we to face temptations this Lent? By continually relying on God just as Jesus always did. Even if we were to grasp like Adam and Eve to decide for ourselves, we must return back to God for guidance. So while it may seem we're in a desert, if we trust in God we will be ministered by angels as well.

THEMES: Adam • Almsgiving • Arrogance • Battle • Choice • Community • Cross • Demon • Desert • Devil • Eden • Ego • Eve • Exodus • Faith • Fast • Gift • Grace • Holy • Inequality • Joy • Justice • Kingdom • Lent • Mission • Obedience • Power • Prayer • Relationship • Remember • Sin • Suffering • Temptation • Time • Transformation • Worship •

View 32 Reflections

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 79)

DON'T THINK that turning the other cheek is about letting yourself be walked on. Or putting up with abuse. It's not! Yes, some may say it's about confronting injustice or standing up to abusive people. BUT IT'S SO MUCH MORE. The readings for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time are calling us to be holy like God is holy. We are called to be like God. And if God is love then we must reflect love too. It's HARD to turn the other cheek. It's hard to go that extra mile. Much less to love and pray for our enemies. But that's what Jesus calls us to do. Because Christ did turn the other cheek. Christ did walk that extra mile. Christ did pray and love.

THEMES: Commandment • Compassion • Correct • Enemy • Follow • Forgive • Generosity • History • Holy • Justice • Love • Mandela • Neighbor • Non-violence • Perfection • Politics • Prayer • Reconciliation • Temple • Unity • Violence •

View 29 Reflections

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 76)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Abolish • Adultery • Anger • Bible • Charity • Choice • Commandment • Decision • Depth • Discern • Encourage • Extreme • Freedom • Fulfill • Heaven • History • Holy • Holy Spirit • Journey • Lust • Mercy • Oath • Peace • Pharisee • Reconciliation • Reflection • Relationship • Salvation • Secret • Sermon on the Mount • Sin • Truth • Wisdom •

View 31 Reflections

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 73)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Anger • Care • Charity • Choice • Community • Depth • Discipleship • Ego • Emotion • Fulfillment • Happiness • Hope • Humility • Hunger • Justice • Light • Love • Matthew • Mercy • Miracle • Mission • Open • Power • Prayer • Preserve • Sacrifice • Salt • St. Paul • Transformation • Works •

View 28 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 70)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Addiction • Beatitudes • Blessing • Boast • Cross • Dialogue • Disciple • Exodus • Focus • Freedom • Happiness • Happy • Heart • History • Holy • Humility • Hunger • Joy • Justice • Lowly • Moses • Poverty • Translation • Wisdom •

View 26 Reflections

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 67)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Baptism • Call • Church • Community • Conversion • Creation • Darkness • Disciple • Division • Encounter • Exile • Follow • Gather • Gospel • Healing • History • Hope • Kingdom • Light • Love • Messiah • Mission • Prison • Prophecy • Prophet • Repent • Scripture • Sent • Sin • St. Paul • Suffering • Unity •

View 34 Reflections

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

(Year A, Lectionary 64)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Baptism • Blessing • Called • Chosen • Church • Communion • Community • Complacent • Covenant • Creation • Darkness • Desert • Disciple • Divine • Dove • Ego • Engage • Faith • Gather • Healing • History • Holy • Holy Spirit • Hope • Humility • Identity • John the Baptist • Justice • Lamb • Light • Martin Luther King Jr. • Martyr • Mission • Ordinary Time • Paul • Peace • Popularity • Power • Proclaim • Prophet • Recognize • Repent • Revelation • Sacrifice • Salvation • Season • Servant • Sight • Sign • Sin • Solidarity • Suffering • Testimony • Unity • Vocation • Witness •

View 40 Reflections

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

(Year A, Lectionary 10)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Ahaz • Community • Darkness • Divorce • Dream • Faith • Fear • Fulfillment • Gift • Gospel • History • Honor • Incarnation • Isaiah • Joseph • Kingdom • Light • Marriage • Mary • Mission • Paul • Prayer • Prophet • Purpose • Receive • Receptive • Salvation • Sight • Sign • St. Joseph • Struggle • Struggles • Trust •

View 34 Reflections

The Third Sunday of Advent

(Year A, Lectionary 7)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Third Sunday of Advent by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Advent • Deaf • Desert • Disability • Doubt • Environment • Expectation • Focus • Healing • Hear • History • Hope • Incarnation • Inclusion • John the Baptist • Joy • Judgment • Justice • Mercy • Patience • Peace • Power • Prepare • Prophet • Question • Relationship • Seek • Sight • Speech • Struggle • Unity • Welcome •

View 36 Reflections

The Second Sunday of Advent

(Year A, Lectionary 4)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the Second Sunday of Advent by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Abraham • Acknowledge • Advent • Competition • Creation • David • Desert • Exile • Exodus • Faith • Gift • Holy Spirit • Hope • Hypocrite • Incarnation • John the Baptist • Judgment • Kingdom • Knowledge • Mature • Messiah • Peace • Pharisee • Prayer • Prepare • Prophet • Repent • Resilience • Sin • Tree • Unity • Wisdom •

View 31 Reflections

The First Sunday of Advent

(Year A, Lectionary 1)

Prepare for the Mass readings for the First Sunday of Advent by meditating on reflections and homilies on video, images, text, and audio sources.

THEMES: Adam • Advent • Baptism • Coming • Community • Creation • Death • Division • Faith • Family • Focus • Gather • Hope • Incarnation • John the Baptist • Judgment • Light • Love • Mountain • Noah • Nonviolence • Prayer • Prepare • Priority • Prophet • Recognize • Repent • Respond • Revelation • Sloth • Wait • Wisdom • Worship •

View 37 Reflections