God's Word written in the scripture verses is powerful. Every verse can hold significant truth if we allow ourselves to meditate on them. Sometimes all it takes is one scripture verse to impact us and feed our mind and soul. Meditate on any of the following posts and grow deeper in your faith and understanding.
The Power of Faith: Interview with Liz
Faith is stronger than life's struggles if we attend to it. Liz shares how her faith in Jesus Christ has evolved and how that has helped her in her life's journey. Although there have been many challenges what has strengthened her is her growing relationship with Christ. Hear how a Christian can shine God's light in the darkness. Read more
Many Ways to Pray: Interview with Desiré Findlay
What is prayer? How can we pray to God? Desiré Findlay shares her voice on what prayer looks like to her through writing, dance, Lectio Divina and more. Listen in on the conversation as Desiré explains how prayer connects her to Jesus, others and the world. Find inspiration in how you can grow in prayer too. Read more
Interview with Erika Jacinto
Meet Erika Jacinto who works as the Director of Communications and Media Relations, as well as the press secretary for the Archbishop, of the Catholic Church of Montreal. Erika shares how in her role she communicates with various individuals from laity, non-religious, and religious leaders like Archbishop Christian Lépine and Pope Francis. Read more